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A dh-call is the operation that must be configured into VulCon® or GV Console® System section, to define the parameters for making a call to the DataHandler.

The DBOBuilder to be invoked is defined by:

  • the input GVBuffer DH_SERVICE_NAME property value
  • the input GVBuffer.service field value

VulCon / GV Console Configuration

In order to add a dh-call operation you must define the following fields:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value call.
class fixed This attribute must assume the value it.greenvulcano.gvesb.virtual.datahandler.DataHandlerCallOperation
name required This field identifies the operation name that you will use in service definition.

The following example shows the configuration generated from VulCon® or GV Console® when you configure a dh-call operation:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<GVSystems name="SYSTEMS" type="module">
        <System id-system="system-name" system-activation="on">
            <Channel id-channel="CHANNEL_NAME">
                <dh-call class="it.greenvulcano.gvesb.virtual.datahandler.DataHandlerCallOperation"
                             name="TestInsertXML" type="call"/>

To use a dh-call in a GreenVulcano® ESB service, you need to define a node of type GVOperationNode into your Service element and define in the field operation-name the name defined in the dh-call operation.

The following example shows the configuration generated from VulCon® or GV Console® when you configure a dh-call operation in GreenVulcano® ESB service:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<GVServices name="SERVICES" type="module">
        <Group group-activation="on" id-group="DEFAULT_GRP"/>
        <Service group-name="DEFAULT_GRP" id-service="SERVICE-NAME"
            <Client id-system="SYSTEM-NAME" statistics="off" system-activation="on">
                <Operation name="RequestReply" operation-activation="on"
                           out-check-type="none" type="operation">
                    <Participant id-channel="CHANNEL-NAME" id-system="SYSTEM-NAME"/>
                    <Flow first-node="excel_reader" point-x="20" point-y="112">
                              dump-in-out="false" id="process"
                              id-system="GVESB" input="input"
                              next-node-id="end" op-type="call"
                              operation-name="TestInsertXML" output="output"
                              point-x="127" point-y="139" type="flow-node"/>
                        <GVEndNode class="it.greenvulcano.gvesb.core.flow.GVEndNode"
                              end-business-process="yes" id="end" op-type="end"
                              output="excel_xml" point-x="358" point-y="112"

At this point you have configured a service with a dh-call operation.

Into the dh-call it is possible to insert three elements: