Esb 3 3 4 Final

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GreenVulcano® ESB package 3.3.4 Final

  • Commons
  1. Added support to ArrayUtils for generic array to List conversion
  2. Improved JMX entry-point initialization
  • Core
  1. Moved to INFO level the end trace message of workflow nodes, added execution time in ms
  2. Improved transaction error management in workflow engine
  3. Corrected GVSubFlowCallNode @dynamic behavior
  4. Solved a bug on debugger when resuming after a breakpoint
  • DTE
  1. Added basic json to xml and xml to json DTE transformers
  • DataHandler
  1. Corrected connection release fake error message when using dynamic connection name definition in DBOBuilder
  1. Added a HL7 Forward validator that checks the availability of a list of HL7 servers (see)
  2. Improved concurrent access to HL7ConnectionValidator
  3. Updated HAPI libraries to resolve a bug in autogenerated NAK header compilation (missing sender/receiver identification)
  4. Added the capability to the HL7 Listener to force Recevinig Application/Facility in autogenerated NAK
  5. Added the following properties in input to GV workflow:
HL7_REMOTE_ADDR Remote address of the invoking client
HL7_LISTENER GV Listener's name receiving the client request
HL7_APPLICATION GV Application's name processing the client request
HL7_REC_APPLICATION Configured GV Listener @receivingApplication value
HL7_REC_FACILITY Configured GV Listener @receivingFacility value
  • Adapter Social
  1. Moved to twitter4j v4.0.1
  2. Implemented getUserTimeline and query operations (see)
  3. Various bug-fix
  1. Added pluggable URL Mapping interface:
    1. standard GVCore call mapping
    2. HTTP forward mapping
  2. Improved the URL mapping behaviour
  3. Added the capability to forward HTTP request/response to/from a remote server
  4. Corrected setting of HTTP_METHOD GVBuffer's property in GVCoreHttpServletMapping
  • Adapter/VCL WS
  1. Modified ws-call with a WSDLInfo/@ws-endpoint-url parameter that enable the configuration of WS EPR that overrides the value defined in the WSDL (see)
  2. WS Commons: added utility methods to convert DOM to Axiom Body content
  • VCL J2EE
  1. Added a new attribute to jms-dequeue to specifies if the dequeue must keep input GVBuffer properties, not present in the JMS message, in the output
  1. added parameters for connection timeout and SO timeout (see)
  • JMS Forward
  1. Added support in JMS Forward of pre-processor validation framework, that add the capability to check some condition before dequeuing a JMS message from the queue (see)
  • GVConsole
  1. Corrected deployment of ServiceDump configuration