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Defines a checker for Exceptions.

VulCon / GV Console Configuration

ExceptionCondition defines a checker for Exceptions and can match an Exception versus more definitions.

The ExceptionCondition Element is used by: Conditions, ErrorHandler and NextAction.

The following table shows the element's attributes ExceptionCondition:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value condition.
class fixed This attribute must assume the value it.greenvulcano.gvesb.internal.condition.ExceptionCondition.
condition required This attribute defines the name of the condition. Unique inside the Conditions element.
throw-exception optional If true an error during execution cause an Exception to be thrown. If false an error during execution cause the condition to return "false". Default to "false".

It has the following subelements:

  • Description
  • ExceptionDef


Perform a test on Exceptions.

The ExceptionDef Element is used by: ExceptionCondition.

The following table shows the element's attributes ExceptionDef:

Attribute Type Description
exception-class optional Defines the Exception class.
strict-class-check optional Defines if the Exception to check must be of the given class or a subclass. Is used only if exception-class is defined. The attribute's admitted values are:
  • no
  • yes
follow-exc-chain optional Defines if follow the exception chain and perform the check on every element. The attribute's admitted values are:
  • no
  • yes
min-code optional Defines a lower bound for Exception code check. Used only if the exception class is of type


max-code optional Defines an upper bound for Exception code check. Used only if the exception class is of type


message-filter optional Defines a filter to apply on exception message.
filter-type optional Set the filter as text pattern or regular expression. The attribute's admitted values are:
  • text
  • reg-exp