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GreenVulcano® ESB JMS Forward configuration.

VulCon / GV Console Configuration

The GVForwards Element is used by: GVCore.

The following table shows the element's attributes GVForwards:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed Element type module.
name fixed Module ID always set to JMS_FORWARD.

Its subelements are:

  • Description
  • ForwardConfiguration


The ForwardConfiguration Element is used by: GVForwards.

The following table shows the ForwardConfiguration element's attributes:

Attribute Type Description
forwardName required Forward name. References the Core workflow of type "Forward".
enabled required Property that defines if the forward must be activated.
flow-system optional Default System name to be used to invoke the workflow. Can be extracted from the received JMS message.
flow-service optional Default Service name to be used to invoke the workflow. Can be extracted from the received JMS message.
sleep-timeout optional Sleep in ms to perform in case of error. Default to 2000 and if <= 0 disable the sleep.
ref-dp optional Data Provider to be used for extract data from the received JMS message. If not defined the dequeued JMS message is passed as payload to the workflow.
dump-message optional If true the dequeued message is dumped on log file, at DEBUG severity level. Default false.
full-debug optional If true ALL forward operations are logged on log file, at DEBUG severity level. Use with caution. Default false.
Attribute Type Description
name required forward configuration name, required in order to enable the configuration of the same forwardName on multiple JMS destinations.

Its subelements are:

  • Description
  • ForwardDeployment
  • ErrorHandler
  • PreProcessor


This element defines JMS details for Forward configuration.

The following table shows the ForwardDeployment element's attributes:

Attribute Type Description
connection-factory required JMS Connection factory JNDI name.
destination-type required Property that defines the type of destination: queue or topic.
destination required Destination JNDI name.
transacted required The transacted attribute specifies if the JMS dequeue must be executed in a XA transaction.
transaction-timeout-sec optional XA transaction timeout. Default to 30 seconds.
reconnect-interval-sec optional Defines the timeout between reconnection attempt on JMS connection failure. Default to 10 seconds.
initial-size optional This specifies the lower limit to the number of concurrent Listeners. Defaults to 1.
maximum-size optional This specifies the upper limit to the number of concurrent Listeners. Defaults to 10.
receive-timeout-sec optional Defines the receive timeout of Listener. If XA transaction are active this timeout is contained in the XA transaction timeout. Default to 1 second.
read-block-count optional Defines the number of receive operations (succesfull or not) performed by the Listener before reinitialization. Default to 60 operations. A value of -1 means ignore count.

Its sub-elements are:


Handle the invocation of an error service, if configured.

The ErrorHandler are checked in the same sequence as they are configured. If the ExceptionCondition element ISN'T configured the handler is active by default, and if it's the first of the list then the others are never checked.

The ExceptionCondition element must be configured to handle only GVPublicException.

The following table shows the ErrorHandler element's attributes:

Attribute Type Description
name required Instance name, used in log messages.
error-id_service required Service to be used in error service invocation.
error-id_system required System to be used in error service invocation.
error-operation required Operation to be used in error service invocation.
original-system-field required Name of the property to be used to contain the original System value.
original-service-field required Name of the property to be used to contain the original Service value.

Its subelements are:


Provides to JMS Forward a pre-processor validation framework, that add the capability to check some condition before dequeuing a JMS message from the queue.

Its sub-elements are: