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VulCon / GV Console Configuration

The GVHL7ListenerManager Element is used by GVAdapters.

The following table shows the element's attributes GVHL7ListenerManager:

Attribute Type Description
version fixed This attribute must assume the value 1.0.
type fixed Element type module.
name fixed Module id always set to EXCEL_REPO. This attribute must assume the value HL7_LISTENERS.

Its sub-elements are:


The HL7Listener Element is used by: HL7Listeners.

The following table shows the element's attributes HL7Listener:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value hl7listener.
class fixed This attribute must assume the value it.greenvulcano.gvesb.gvhl7.listener.HL7Listener.
name required The attribute's value can't be null.
port required The attribute's value can't be null.
autoStart optional Automatically starts listening for connection. Default to true.
Attribute Type Description
receivingApplication optional Force the Receiving Application MSH field value on automatic response generation.
receivingFacility optional Force the Receiving Facility MSH field value on automatic response generation. Used only if receivingApplication is set.

Its sub-elements are:


The HL7Applications Element is used by HL7Listener.

Its sub-elements are:


The GVCoreApplication Element is used by HL7Applications.

The following table shows the GVCoreApplication element's attributes :

Attribute Type Description
type fixed Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcano® ESB factory framework. This attribute must assume the value hl7application.
class fixed This attribute must assume the value it.greenvulcano.gvesb.gvhl7.listener.handler.GVCoreApplication.
name required The attribute's value can't be null.
gv-system required ID system with which to perform the invocation of GreenVulcano® ESB.
gv-service required ID service with which to perform the invocation of GreenVulcano® ESB.
gv-operation required GreenVulcano® ESB operation to invoke.
transacted optional Indicates whether the invocation to be performed in GreenVulcano is transactional or not. Default: false

A transaction is rolled back if:

     - the service ends with exception
     - the output GVBuffer contains the property HL7_FORCE_TX_ROLLBACK=Y
tx-timeout optional Transaction timeout in seconds. Default: 30s

Its sub-elements are:

Sets the following properties in input to GV workflow:

Property Description
HL7_REMOTE_ADDR Remote address of the invoking client
HL7_LISTENER HL7 Listener's name receiving the client request
HL7_APPLICATION HL7 Application's name processing the client request
HL7_REC_APPLICATION Configured HL7 Listener @receivingApplication value
HL7_REC_FACILITY Configured HL7 Listener @receivingFacility value


The HL7Activation Element is used by HL7Activations.

The following table shows the HL7Activation element's attributes:

Attribute Type Description
messageType required The attribute's value cannot be null.
triggerEvent required The attribute's value cannot be null.