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The content defines a OGNL script. This script is applied to the current GVBuffer object.

Within a node ChangeGVBuffer is used for script execution, execution environment map is added to the script context as 'environment' property and the current input object is added as 'data' property.

The element value cannot be null.

The OGNLScript Element is used by ChangeGVBuffer, ognl-script-call, ResultProcessor.

Following an example of a script implementing the toUpperCase service:

<GVOperationNode class="it.greenvulcano.gvesb.core.flow.GVOperationNode"
                 id="call_server" id-system="GVESB" input="input"
                 next-node-id="end" op-type="call"
                 operation-name="echo_call" output="output"
                 point-x="186" point-y="152" type="flow-node">
        <ognl-script-service critical="yes" internal="yes" type="service">
            <ognl-script-call class="it.greenvulcano.gvesb.virtual.internal.OGNLCallOperation"
                              name="toupper" type="call">
                <OGNLScript>object = object.toUpperCase()</OGNLScript>