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The Operation nodes are:

operation nodes
  • Enqueue Node: Allows you to perform a queuing/publish on a queue/topic (defined in the systems).Using the right mouse button you can edit/add operations or InputServices OutputServices.
  • Dequeue Node: Allows you to perform a read from a queue or a topic (defined in section systems). Using the right mouse button you can edit/add operations or InputServices OutputServices.
  • Call Node: Allows you to perform a synchronous operation (defined in the systems). Using the right mouse button you can edit/add operations or InputServices OutputServices.
  • CoreCall Node: Allows you to make a call to another service GreenVulcano® ESB.
  • SubFlowCall Node:The user clicking the right mouse button, create the respective sub-editor, to manage another stream.

VulCon Configuration

You might insert into your workflow one of the Nodes described above by drag and drop it into the VulCon Editor View.

When a node is inserted into the editor, a new element will appear into the element Flow (or SubFlow) of your Service Operation depending on the node you selected. The following table shows this:

Operation node GVCore element Notes
Enqueue GVOperationNode Allows to perform a communication with an external systems (invocation, sending messages, receiving messages).

Its op-type parameter will be setted to enqueue

Dequeue GVOperationNode Its op-type parameter will be setted to dequeue
Call GVOperationNode Its op-type parameter will be setted to call
CoreCall GVCoreCallNode Allows direct invocation of a GreenVulcano® ESB core workflow.
SubFlowCall GVSubFlowCallNode Allows direct invocation of a GreenVulcano® ESB core workflow sub-flow.

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