ProcessSVCEmails and ProcessSingleSVCEmail
Revision as of 07:04, 21 February 2012 by Anonymous (talk) (Created page with "==Description== thumb|TestFileAttachment descriptionThis example shows how {{GVESB}} receipts and processes emails. The workflow consis...")
This example shows how GreenVulcano® ESB receipts and processes emails. The workflow consists in two services: ProcessSVCEmails which receives the messages and for each one calls service ProcessSingleSVCEmail that processes it.
ProcessSVCEmails service executes the following operations:
- Checks if there are new service messages
- For each one invokes a processing service
ProcessSingleSVCEmails service executes the following operations:
- Receives data from an email
- Reads the subject and verifies if it is well formatted
- If subject is well formatted invokes the respective service for the request. If don't, sends a preconfigured email.
VulCon Configuration
The preferred mode for creating a Service (at least its skeleton) is through the Service Wizard. Before using it you must first configure the VCL plugins needed. So let's define a new Group, System and Channel, if you do not want to use those already present, and then start the Wizard.