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Class FQN: it.greenvulcano.configuration.XMLConfig

Following the XMLConfig public static methods

* Set the entity resolver used to resolve entities into the configuration
* files.
* @param entityResolver
*        EntityResolver to use in order to resolve entity. If
*        <code>null</code> is specified then the default XML mechanism is
*        used.
public static synchronized void setEntityResolver(EntityResolver entityResolver)

* Use the default entity resolver to resolve entities into the
* configuration files. The default entity resolver does not resolve
* anything.
* @see #setEntityResolver(org.xml.sax.EntityResolver)
public static synchronized void setDefaultEntityResolver()

* Return the entity resolver for the configuration.
* @return the entity resolver for the configuration
public static synchronized EntityResolver getEntityResolver()

* Load a configuration file and, if necessary, notifies registered
* listeners. This method can be used in order to preload the configuration
* file.
* @param file
*        the file to read
* @return the complete URL used to load the file.
* @exception XMLConfigException
*            if error occurs
public static synchronized URL load(String file) throws XMLConfigException

* Load a configuration file and, if necessary, notifies registered
* listeners. This method can be used in order to preload the configuration
* file.
* @param file
*        the file to read
* @param classLoader
*        the class loader to use to retrieve the file to read
* @param force
*        force the reload of file if already present in cache
* @param canBeReloaded
*        flag that indicates if this file can be changed and can be
*        reloaded
* @return the complete URL used to load the file.
* @exception XMLConfigException
*            if error occurs
public static synchronized URL load(String file, ClassLoader classLoader, boolean force, boolean canBeReloaded)
         throws XMLConfigException
* Discard all cached configuration files, notifies all registered
* listeners, reload discarded files and notifies all registered listeners.
* @exception XMLConfigException
*            if error occurs
public static synchronized void reloadAll() throws XMLConfigException

* If loaded discard the given file and notifies all registered listeners,
* then reload the given file (only if it was previously loaded) and
* notifies all registered listeners.
* @param file
*        the file to reload
* @exception XMLConfigException
*            if error occurs
public static synchronized void reload(String file) throws XMLConfigException

* Discard all cached files and notifies all listeners.
public static synchronized void discardAll()

* Discard the given file. If the file was previously loaded then the
* listeners will be notified, otherwise no action will be taken.
* @param file
*        the file to discard
public static synchronized void discard(String file)

* Returns an array of String s containing the names of the files
* currently loaded into XMLConfig private cache.
* @return an array of String s containing the names of the files
*         currently loaded into XMLConfig private cache.
public static synchronized String[] getLoadedFiles()

* Return the value for a node.
* @param node
*        input Node.
* @return the node value. The value for an Element is the concatenation of
*         children values. For other nodes the value is
*         <code>node.getNodeValue()</code>.
public static String getNodeValue(Node node)

* Return the value of a NodeList as concatenation of values of all nodes
* contained in the list.
* @param node
*        the node list
* @return the nodes value
public static String getNodeValue(NodeList node)

* Reads a value. If the XPath selects many nodes the values are appended
* together.
* @param file
*        file to read
* @param xpath
*        parameter to read specified as absolute path to the root of the
*        file.
* @return the searched value or <code>null</code> if the XPath select no
*         node.
* @throws XMLConfigException
*         if some error occurs.
public static String get(String file, String xpath) throws XMLConfigException

* Reads a value. If the XPath selects many nodes the values are appended
* together.
* @param node
*        base for XPath
* @param xpath
*        parameter to read specified as relative path to the node.
* @return the searched value or <code>null</code> if the XPath select no
*         node.
* @throws XMLConfigException
*         if some error occurs.
public static String get(Node node, String xpath) throws XMLConfigException

* Reads a value. If the XPath selects many nodes the values are appended
* together.
* @param file
*        file to read
* @param xpath
*        parameter to read specified as absolute path to the root of the
*        file.
* @param defaultValue
*        default value
* @return the searched value or the specified default value if the XPath
*         select no node or an error occurs.
public static String get(String file, String xpath, String defaultValue)

* Reads a value. If the XPath selects many nodes the values are appended
* together.
* @param node
*        base node for XPath
* @param xpath
*        parameter to read specified as relative path to node.
* @param defaultValue
*        default value
* @return the searched value or the specified default value if the XPath
*         select no node or an error occurs.
public static String get(Node node, String xpath, String defaultValue)

* Reads a single encrypted value.
* @param file
*        file to read
* @param xpath
*        parameter to read specified as absolute path to the root of the
*        file.
* @param keyId
*        the key id to be used for decryption, if null or empty is used
* @param canBeClear
*        if true the data can be unencrypted
* @return the searched value or <code>null</code> if the XPath select no
*         node.
* @throws XMLConfigException
*         if some error occurs.
public static String getDecrypted(String file, String xpath, String keyId, boolean canBeClear)
         throws XMLConfigException

* Reads a single encrypted value.
* @param node
*        base for XPath
* @param xpath
*        parameter to read specified as relative path to the node.
* @param keyId
*        the key id to be used for decryption, if null or empty is used
* @param canBeClear
*        if true the data can be unencrypted
* @return the searched value or <code>null</code> if the XPath select no
*         node.
* @throws XMLConfigException
*         if some error occurs.
public static String getDecrypted(Node node, String xpath, String keyId, boolean canBeClear)
        throws XMLConfigException
* Reads a single encrypted value.
* @param file
*        file to read
* @param xpath
*        parameter to read specified as absolute path to the root of the
*        file.
* @param keyId
*        the key id to be used for decryption, if null or empty is used
* @param canBeClear
*        if true the data can be unencrypted
* @param defaultValue
*        default value
* @return the searched value or the specified default value if the XPath
*         select no node or an error occurs.
public static String getDecrypted(String file, String xpath, String keyId, boolean canBeClear, String defaultValue)

* Reads a single encrypted value.
* @param node
*        base node for XPath
* @param xpath
*        parameter to read specified as relative path to node.
* @param keyId
*        the key id to be used for decryption, if null or empty is used
* @param canBeClear
*        if true the data can be unencrypted
* @param defaultValue
*        default value
* @return the searched value or the specified default value if the XPath
*         select no node or an error occurs.
public static String getDecrypted(Node node, String xpath, String keyId, boolean canBeClear, String defaultValue)

* Reads a single encrypted value.
* @param file
*        file to read
* @param xpath
*        parameter to read specified as absolute path to the root of the
*        file.
*        Sets the key id as DEFAULT_KEY_ID and canBeClear at true
* @return the searched value or <code>null</code> if the XPath select no
*         node.
* @throws XMLConfigException
*         if some error occurs.
public static String getDecrypted(String file, String xpath) throws XMLConfigException

* Reads a single encrypted value.
* @param node
*        base for XPath
* @param xpath
*        parameter to read specified as relative path to the node.
*        Sets the key id as DEFAULT_KEY_ID and canBeClear at true
* @return the searched value or <code>null</code> if the XPath select no
*         node.
* @throws XMLConfigException
*         if some error occurs.
public static String getDecrypted(Node node, String xpath) throws XMLConfigException

* Reads a single encrypted value.
* @param file
*        file to read
* @param xpath
*        parameter to read specified as absolute path to the root of the
*        file.
* @param defaultValue
*        default value
*        Sets the key id as DEFAULT_KEY_ID and canBeClear at true
* @return the searched value or the specified default value if the XPath
*         select no node or an error occurs.
public static String getDecrypted(String file, String xpath, String defaultValue)

* Reads a single encrypted value.
* @param node
*        base node for XPath
* @param xpath
*        parameter to read specified as relative path to node.
* @param defaultValue
*        default value
*        Sets the key id as DEFAULT_KEY_ID and canBeClear at true
* @return the searched value or the specified default value if the XPath
*         select no node or an error occurs.
public static String getDecrypted(Node node, String xpath, String defaultValue)

* Decrypt a string encrypted by default XMLConfig key.
* @param value
*        the value to decrypt
* @return the decrypted value or value if not encrypted
* @throws XMLConfigException
*         if some error occurs.
 public static String getDecrypted(String value) throws XMLConfigException

* Encrypt a string using default XMLConfig key.
* @param value
*        the value to encrypt
* @return the encrypted value
* @throws XMLConfigException
*         if some error occurs.
public static String getEncrypted(String value) throws XMLConfigException

* Return an integer parameter. <br>
* This method uses <code>get()</code> to obtain the value, then convert it
* to an integer.
* @param file
* @param xpath
* @return the searched integer value from the configuration.
* @throws XMLConfigException
*         if any error occurs
public static int getInteger(String file, String xpath) throws XMLConfigException

* Return an integer parameter. <br>
* This method uses <code>get()</code> to obtain the value, then convert it
* to an integer.
* @param node
*        base node for XPath
* @param xpath
*        parameter to read specified as relative path to node.
* @return the searched integer value from the configuration.
* @throws XMLConfigException
*         if an error occurs
public static int getInteger(Node node, String xpath) throws XMLConfigException

* Return an integer parameter. <br>
* This method uses <code>get()</code> to obtain the value, then convert it
* to an integer.
* @param file
*        the configuration file
* @param xpath
*        the XPath to search
* @param defaultValue
*        value to return if XPath not match
* @return the parameter value. If the parameter does not exists or an error
*         occurs then the specified default value will be returned.
public static int getInteger(final String file, final String xpath, final int defaultValue)

* Return an integer parameter. <br>
* This method uses <code>get()</code> to obtain the value, then convert it
* to an integer.
* @param node
*        base node for XPath
* @param xpath
*        parameter to read specified as relative path to node.
* @param defaultValue
*        default value
* @return the searched value or the specified default value if the XPath
*         select no node or an error occurs.
public static int getInteger(Node node, String xpath, int defaultValue)

* Return a long parameter. <br>
* This method uses <code>get()</code> to obtain the value, then convert it
* to a long.
* @param file
* @param xpath
* @return the searched long value from the configuration.
* @throws XMLConfigException
*         if an error occurs
public static long getLong(String file, String xpath) throws XMLConfigException

* Return a long parameter. <br>
* This method uses <code>get()</code> to obtain the value, then convert it
* to a long.
* @param node
*        base node for XPath
* @param xpath
*        parameter to read specified as relative path to node.
* @return the searched long value from the configuration.
* @throws XMLConfigException
*         if an error occurs
public static long getLong(Node node, String xpath) throws XMLConfigException

* Return a long parameter. <br>
* This method uses <code>get()</code> to obtain the value, then convert it
* to a long.
* @param file
* @param xpath
* @param defaultValue
* @return the parameter value. If the parameter does not exists or an error
*         occurs then the specified default value will be returned.
public static long getLong(String file, String xpath, long defaultValue)

* Return a long parameter. <br>
* This method uses <code>get()</code> to obtain the value, then convert it
* to a long.
* @param node
*        base node for XPath
* @param xpath
*        parameter to read specified as relative path to node.
* @param defaultValue
* @return the searched value or the specified default value if the XPath
*         select no node or an error occurs.
public static long getLong(Node node, String xpath, long defaultValue)

* Return a double parameter. <br>
* This method uses <code>get()</code> to obtain the value, then convert it
* to a double.
* @param file
* @param xpath
* @return the searched double value from the configuration.
* @throws XMLConfigException
*         if an error occurs
public static double getDouble(String file, String xpath) throws XMLConfigException

* Return a double parameter. <br>
* This method uses <code>get()</code> to obtain the value, then convert it
* to a double.
* @param node
*        base node for XPath
* @param xpath
*        parameter to read specified as relative path to node.
* @return the searched double value from the configuration.
* @throws XMLConfigException
*         if an error occurs
public static double getDouble(Node node, String xpath) throws XMLConfigException

* Return a double parameter. <br>
* This method uses <code>get()</code> to obtain the value, then convert it
* to a double.
* @param file
* @param xpath
* @param defaultValue
* @return the parameter value. If the parameter does not exists or an error
*         occurs then the specified default value will be returned.
public static double getDouble(String file, String xpath, double defaultValue)

* Return a double parameter. <br>
* This method uses <code>get()</code> to obtain the value, then convert it
* to a double.
* @param node
*        base node for XPath
* @param xpath
*        parameter to read specified as relative path to node.
* @param defaultValue
*        default value
* @return the searched value or the specified default value if the XPath
*         select no node or an error occurs.
public static double getDouble(Node node, String xpath, double defaultValue)

* Return a float parameter. <br>
* This method uses <code>get()</code> to obtain the value, then convert it
* to a float.
* @param file
* @param xpath
* @return the searched float value from the configuration.
* @throws XMLConfigException
*         if an error occurs
public static float getFloat(String file, String xpath) throws XMLConfigException

* Return a float parameter. <br>
* This method uses <code>get()</code> to obtain the value, then convert it
* to a float.
* @param node
*        base node for XPath
* @param xpath
*        parameter to read specified as relative path to node.
* @return the searched float value from the configuration.
* @throws XMLConfigException
*         if an error occurs
public static float getFloat(Node node, String xpath) throws XMLConfigException

* Return a float parameter. <br>
* This method uses <code>get()</code> to obtain the value, then convert it
* to a float.
* @param file
* @param xpath
* @param defaultValue
* @return the parameter value. If the parameter does not exists or an error
*         occurs then the specified default value will be returned.
public static float getFloat(String file, String xpath, float defaultValue)

* Return a float parameter. <br>
* This method uses <code>get()</code> to obtain the value, then convert it
* to a float.
* @param node
*        base node for XPath
* @param xpath
*        parameter to read specified as relative path to node.
* @param defaultValue
*        default value
* @return the searched value or the specified default value if the XPath
*         select no node or an error occurs.
public static float getFloat(Node node, String xpath, float defaultValue)

* Returns a boolean parameter.
* <p>
* The value returned is true if and only if the parameter red is
* equal, ignoring case, to "true" or "yes" or "on". Otherwise, it returns
* <b>false</b>.
* <p>
* @param file
* @param xpath
* @return the boolean value of the parameter.
* @throws XMLConfigException
public static boolean getBoolean(String file, String xpath) throws XMLConfigException

     * Returns a boolean parameter.
     * <p>
     * The value returned is <b>true</b> if and only if the parameter red is
     * equal, ignoring case, to "true" or "yes" or "on". Otherwise, it returns
     * <b>false</b>.
     * <p>
     * @param node
     *        base node for XPath
     * @param xpath
     *        parameter to read specified as relative path to node.
     * @return the searched boolean value from the configuration.
     * @throws XMLConfigException
    public static boolean getBoolean(Node node, String xpath) throws XMLConfigException
        try {
            String s = get(node, xpath);
            return (s.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("yes") || s.equalsIgnoreCase("on"));
        catch (XMLConfigException exc) {
            throw exc;
        catch (Exception exc) {
            throw new XMLConfigException("" + exc, exc);

     * Returns a boolean parameter.
     * <p>
     * The value returned is <b>true</b> if and only if the parameter red is
     * equal, ignoring case, to "true" or "yes" or "on". Otherwise, it returns
     * <b>false</b>.
     * <p>
     * @param file
     * @param xpath
     * @param defaultValue
     * @return the boolean value of the parameter. If the parameter does not
     *         exists or an error occurs then the specified default value will
     *         be returned.
    public static boolean getBoolean(String file, String xpath, boolean defaultValue)
        try {
            return getBoolean(file, xpath);
        catch (Exception exc) {
            // Do nothing
        return defaultValue;

     * Returns a boolean parameter.
     * <p>
     * The value returned is <b>true</b> if and only if the parameter red is
     * equal, ignoring case, to "true" or "yes" or "on". Otherwise, it returns
     * <b>false</b>.
     * <p>
     * @param node
     *        base node for XPath
     * @param xpath
     *        parameter to read specified as relative path to node.
     * @param defaultValue
     *        default value
     * @return the searched value or the specified default value if the XPath
     *         select no node or an error occurs.
    public static boolean getBoolean(Node node, String xpath, boolean defaultValue)
        try {
            return getBoolean(node, xpath);
        catch (Exception exc) {
            // Do nothing
        return defaultValue;

     * Checks if the given parameter exists. <br>
     * It checks that <code>get()</code> method does not return
     * <code>null</code>.
     * @param file
     * @param xpath
     * @return if the given parameter exists.
     * @see #get(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)
     * @throws XMLConfigException
     *         if some error occurs.
    public static boolean exists(String file, String xpath) throws XMLConfigException

     * Checks if the given parameter exists. <br>
     * It checks that <code>get()</code> method does not return
     * <code>null</code>.
     * @param node
     * @param xpath
     * @return if the given parameter exists
     * @see #get(org.w3c.dom.Node, java.lang.String)
     * @throws XMLConfigException
     *         if some error occurs.
    public static boolean exists(Node node, String xpath) throws XMLConfigException
        return get(node, xpath) != null;

     * Obtains a list of nodes that match the given XPath.
     * @param file
     *        file to read
     * @param xpath
     *        parameter to read specified as absolute path to the root of the
     *        file.
     * @return a list of nodes that match the given XPath.
     * @throws XMLConfigException
     *         if some error occurs.
    public static NodeList getNodeList(String file, String xpath) throws XMLConfigException

        synchronized (XMLConfig.class) {

        Document doc = getDocument(file);
        try {
            synchronized (doc) {
                return (NodeList) xpathAPI.selectNodeList(doc, new XPath(xpath));
        catch (Throwable thr) {

            throw new XMLConfigException("XML XMLConfig error (File:" + file + ", Node:-, XPath:" + xpath + ")", thr);

     * Obtains a list of nodes that match the given XPath.
     * @param node
     *        base node for XPath
     * @param xpath
     *        parameter to read specified as relative path to the node
     * @return a list of nodes that match the given XPath.
     * @throws XMLConfigException
     *         if some error occurs.
    public static NodeList getNodeList(Node node, String xpath) throws XMLConfigException

* Obtains a list of nodes that match the given XPath as a
* <code>Collection</code>.
* @param file
*        file to read
* @param xpath
*        parameter to read specified as absolute path to the root of the
*        file.
* @return a list of nodes that match the given XPath as a
*         <code>Collection</code>.
* @throws XMLConfigException
*         if some error occurs.
public static Collection<Node> getNodeListCollection(String file, String xpath) throws XMLConfigException

* Obtains a list of nodes that match the given XPath as a
* <code>Collection</code>.
* @param node
*        base node for XPath
* @param xpath
*        parameter to read specified as relative path to the node
* @return a list of nodes that match the given XPath as a
*         <code>Collection</code>.
* @throws XMLConfigException
*         if some error occurs.
public static Collection<Node> getNodeListCollection(Node node, String xpath) throws XMLConfigException

* Obtains a single node that matches the given XPath.
* @param file
*        file to read
* @param xpath
*        parameter to read specified as absolute path to the root of the
*        file.
* @return a single node that matches the given XPath.
* @throws XMLConfigException
*         if some error occurs.
public static Node getNode(String file, String xpath) throws XMLConfigException

* Obtains a single node that matches the given XPath.
* @param node
*        base node for XPath
* @param xpath
*        parameter to read specified as relative path to the node
* @return a single node that matches the given XPath.
* @throws XMLConfigException
*         if some error occurs.
public static Node getNode(Node node, String xpath) throws XMLConfigException
* Add a ConfigurationListener.
* @param listener
public static void addConfigurationListener(ConfigurationListener listener)

* Add a ConfigurationListener listening for events related to a single
* particular file.
* @param listener
*        a <tt>ConfigurationListener</tt> object
* @param filename
*        a <tt>String</tt> containing the name of a file whose changes must
*        be notified to the given listener
public static void addConfigurationListener(ConfigurationListener listener, String filename)

* Add a ConfigurationListener listening for events related to a particular
* set of files.
* @param listener
*        a <tt>ConfigurationListener</tt> object
* @param fileList
*        a <tt>List</tt> of <tt>String</tt> s containing the name of files
*        whose changes must be notified to the given listener
public static void addConfigurationListener(ConfigurationListener listener, List<String> fileList)
* Remove a ConfigurationListener
* @param listener
public static void removeConfigurationListener(ConfigurationListener listener)

* Remove a ConfigurationListener listening for changes on a single file
* @param listener
*        a <tt>ConfigurationListener</tt> object
* @param filename
*        a <tt>String</tt> containing the name of a file whose changes must
*        be notified to the given listener
public static void removeConfigurationListener(ConfigurationListener listener, String filename)

* Remove a ConfigurationListener listening for changes on a subset of files
* @param listener
*        a <tt>ConfigurationListener</tt> object
* @param fileList
*        a <tt>List</tt> of <tt>String</tt> s containing the name of files
*        whose changes must be notified to the given listener
public static void removeConfigurationListener(ConfigurationListener listener, List<String> fileList)

* Fires a ConfigurationEvent to all registered ConfigurationListener.
* @param event
*        event to fire
* @param immediate
*        if true the event is fired immediately
protected static synchronized void prepareConfigurationEvent(ConfigurationEvent event, boolean immediate)
* Fires the ConfigurationEvents to all registered ConfigurationListener.
protected static synchronized void fireConfigurationEvents()

* Return the URL to be used in order to load the given file.
* @param file
*        the file to read
* @return the URL to be used in order to load the given file.
* @exception XMLConfigException
*            if the file could not be found.
public static synchronized URL getURL(String file) throws XMLConfigException

* Return the URL to be used in order to load the given file.
* @param file
*        the file to read
* @param classLoader
*        the class loader to use to retrieve the file to read
* @param force
*        force the reload of file if already present in cache
* @param canBeReloaded
*        flag that indicates if this file can be changed and can be
*        reloaded
* @return the URL to be used in order to load the given file.
* @exception XMLConfigException
*            if the file could not be found.
public static synchronized URL getURL(String file, ClassLoader classLoader, boolean force, boolean canBeReloaded)
        throws XMLConfigException

* Reads a configuration file and caches it.
* <p>
* The file is searched into the Java class path as another Java resource.
* See Java class loader documentation to understand this mechanism.
* @param file
*        the file to read
* @return the read configuration as {@link org.w3c.dom.Document Document}.
* @throws XMLConfigException
*         if some error occurs.
public static synchronized Document getDocument(String file) throws XMLConfigException
* Reads a configuration file and caches it.
* <p>
* The file is searched into the Java class path as another Java resource.
* See Java class loader documentation to understand this mechanism.
* @param file
*        the file to read
* @param classLoader
*        the class loader to use to retrieve the file to read
* @param force
*        force the reload of file if already present in cache
* @param canBeReloaded
*        flag that indicates if this file can be changed and can be
*        reloaded
* @return the read configuration as {@link org.w3c.dom.Document Document}.
* @throws XMLConfigException
*         if some error occurs.
public static synchronized Document getDocument(String file, ClassLoader classLoader, boolean force,
        boolean canBeReloaded) throws XMLConfigException

* Checks if configuration is composed by multiple files.
* @param document
* @return if configuration is composed by multiple files.
public static boolean isCompositeXMLConfig(Document document)

* @param baseUrl
* @param document
* @return the read configuration as {@link org.w3c.dom.Document Document}
* @throws XMLConfigException
public static synchronized Document readCompositeXMLConfig(URL baseUrl, Document document)
            throws XMLConfigException

* @param masterURL
* @param xml
* @return the input with replaced properties
public static synchronized byte[] replaceXMLProperties(URL masterURL, byte[] xml)

* @param baseConfigPath
public static void setBaseConfigPath(String baseConfigPath)

* @return the base configuration path
public static String getBaseConfigPath()