Developer Studio
Developer Studio® is an eclipse-based standalone application that has been customized for developing integration flows for GreenVulcano® ESB.
It is a lightweight application that contains all the features you need to fully master integration workflows. Developer Studio® contains not only the plugins for VulCon®, GreenVulcano® ESB graphical editor, but also many other useful tools for developing complex workflows. Among them there are:
- BIRT -> for managing reports
- DROOLS -> for business rule management
- JBPM -> for business processes
- BPEL -> for managing bpel processes
Developer Studio® is designed for cater to any people that want to use graphic design tools for business uses:
- Solution Architect
- Business Manager
- Analyst
- Technical Developer
In order to launch Developer Studio® you must accomplish only a requirement:
- Java JDK SE (v.1.6 or higher) download
Developer Studio® doesn't need installation. Just download it from GreenVulcano® ESB web site download.
After download is finished you can unpack it anywhere in your file system.
In order to execute Developer Studio® you must launch:
- "DeveloperStudio" for Linux Systems
- "DeveloperStudio.exe" for Windows Systems
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