First projects
The installation of GreenVulcano® ESB is provided with the following services.
Example scope | Service name |
Creating a synchronous service | TOUPPER |
Creating an asynchronous service with JMS forward | TOUPPER_A |
Using the metadata | TestProperty |
Interacting with FileSystem and validating XML files. Creating support services | ValidateXMLFiles and ValidateSingleXMLFile |
Sending an email with attachments | TestFileAttachment |
Receiving and processing emails. Using support services | ProcessSVCEmails and ProcessSingleSVCEmail |
Sending an email with an Excel file as attachment. Part of the preceding example | SendUserDataAsExcel |
Sending an email with a PDF file as attachment. Part of the preceding example | SendUserDataAsPDF |
Clicking on the service name you can see a detailed description of the service configuration procedure.
Click on Advanced Test Projects for more examples or if you want to prove GreenVulcano® ESB by your own, go to the Test your self section where you can find a complete applicative exercise.