Template:Social adapter

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Revision as of 08:56, 17 September 2012 by Anonymous (talk) (Created page with "The Social adapter is an adapter which gives {{GVESB}} the ability to interact with social platforms. The configuration is specified into the GVSocialAdapter-Configuration.xml, a...")
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The Social adapter is an adapter which gives GreenVulcano® ESB the ability to interact with social platforms. The configuration is specified into the GVSocialAdapter-Configuration.xml, and the file has the following structure: <GVSocialAdapterManager name="GV_SOCIAL" type="module">

      <TwitterSocialAdapter class="it.greenvulcano.gvesb.....TwitterSocialAdapter"
                            social="twitter" type="social-adapter">
               <Account name="PIPPO" consumer_key="..." consumer_secret="..." oauth_access_token="..." oauth_access_token_secret="..."	twitteruserid="..."/>
           <Proxy proxyHost="" proxyPassword="" proxyPort="" proxyUser=""/>
