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The DBOThreadSelect element represents the DBO optimized for select operations.

Every statement is execute in a separated thread, then the results are merged before making the transformation.

GreenVulcano® ESB configuration

The DBOThreadSelect element allows to perfom select operations from the DB, each one into a separated thread.

The result of the select(s) is an XML document in internal format that can then be transformed into a useful document for the client.

Can be executed more select statements, each one associated to an id, with the possibility of aggregating, using keys, the extracted data.

Can be defined, for every statement and field, the FieldFormatter that allows you to force the formatting of the values ​​extracted from the database.

It is used by DBOBuilder.

The following table shows the DBOThreadSelect attributes:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value dbo
class fixed This attribute must assume the value it.greenvulcano.gvesb.datahandling.dbo.DBOThreadSelect
name required DOThreadSelect name
transformation optional Transformation to be used for converting internal rowset representation in user desired XML document.
force-mode optional (caller or db2xml): Force mode of the DBO, can be used in DBOBuilder whit more heterogeneous DBO.
  • caller - inherits the mode of the caller
  • db2xml - data extraction mode
jdbc-connection-name optional DataSource JNDI name.
Overrides the connection defined in DBOBuilder.
ignore-input optional (true or false): Tells the engine do not use the input data.
output-data optional The default is the value of @name-Output.

DBOThreadSelect might contain the following sub-elements: