Deploy Service
Deploy Service has the following sections:
- Services
- TOUPPER (service name)
- TOUPPER_A (service name)
- ...
- Parameter:
- Xpath
- Task
- Pool Manager
- Concurrency handler
- CryptoHelper
Clicking the service "TOUPPER", as example, it is possible to compare both files, that present in local "XLM NEW", and the preceding server version "XML SERVER".
The box into the right evidences if the service already exits.
After analysing the files it is possible to deploy clicking "Deploy" task, or returning to the main menu pressing "Cancel".
Clicking "Deploy" another page is open for saving the document new version. Pressing "Save" or "Cancel" saves or returns respectively:
Clicking on "Save" the parameter definition section in open automatically.
These saving procedure must be repeated every time a deploy is done. It is valid for every section relative to the Deploy New Services area:
- PoolManager: manages the pools of objects that can invokes the GreenVulcano® ESB Core:
- Xpath: in this section the namespaces will be prefixed for been used by GreenVulcano® ESB:
- Task: defines the elaboration tasks, processes, and instruction sequences to be followed in specific time, eventually to be iterated more times:
- Concurrency handler: manages the service occurrence number that can be contemporaneously elaborated: