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Represents the node of a flow started.
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Is the node where GreenVulcano® ESB makes decisions and determines what the next node to execute. Each Check node has a basic routing mechanism that chooses the next node only of the presence or absence of errors indicated by exceptions.
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Allows you to insert delays in the execution of a stream.
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It allows a notification to signal on the process flow.For each 'NotificationNode' is associated with a list of notifications (Notification) that handle the type of message to send and the medium on which to write the notification. ES: log4j, JMX The order in which notifications are performed is the insertion order. A notification can be described as 'critical', which is vital for the proper execution of the flow. If a notification 'critical' throws an exception, the flow fails, and the exception is inserted into the buffer specified by the 'output' of NotificationNode. The NotificationNode not read an input buffer, as may be specified a different one for each notification.