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This element defines the properties of the message. It is used by smtp-call and exchange-send-call its attributes are:

Attribute Type Description
sender-display-name required defines the display name of sender.
subject required The subject of the email.
You can enter GVBuffer values using the following syntax:
  • for standard fields
    • ${system}
    • ${service}
    • ${id}
    • ${object}
    • ${retCode}
  • for properties
    • ${property['name']}
content-type required Email content-type.
The attribute's admitted values are:
  • text-plain
  • text-html
high-priority optional The priority of the mail.
The attribute's admitted values are:
  • true
  • false

Its sub-elements are:

Internal elements


This element contains the list of mail recipients.

Might contain the following sub-elements:

  • Description
  • to: Contains the list of recipients of the email. Is overwritten by the value of the GVBuffer property GV_SMTP_TO.
  • cc: Contains the list of recipients in knowledge of the mail. Is overwritten by the value of the GVBuffer property GV_SMTP_CC.
  • bcc: Contains the list of recipients in hidden knowledge of the mail. Is overwritten by the value of the GVBuffer property GV_SMTP_BCC.

Every sub-element (to, cc and bcc) has the sub-elements:

  • Description
  • mail-address: containing the email address of a recipient. The address value is set in its attribute:
    • address


The sub-element message-body defines the message body of the email. It is used by mail-message.

It has the following attributes:

  • gvBuffer-dump: If true, the GVBuffer dump will be included in the message body. Default: false.
    The attribute's admitted values are:
    • false
    • true

It has as sub-elements:


This element contains the message of the email. You can enter gvBuffer values using the following syntax:

  • for standard fields
    • ${system}
    • ${service}
    • ${id}
    • ${object}
    • ${retCode}
  • for properties
    • ${property['name']}

For example, if "object" is a dom can write: ${@it.greenvulcano.util.xml.XMLUtils@serializeDOM_S(object)}

Its attribute escape-HTML-in-gvBuffer-fields allows you to specify whether, when replacing the placeholders for the fields of GVBuffer, any invalid characters for XML/HTML should be replaced with the corresponding entity. Default to true.


Use this mail-message subelements to define the list of attachments of the email. It is overwritten by the value of the GVBuffer property GV_SMTP_ATTACHMENTS.

It has the following attributes:


Use this element to define the file to attach to the email.

It has the attribute path where you can set the path of the file to attach. The attribute's value can't be null.


Use this element if you want to attach at the email the GVBuffer contents.

It has the attribute name with which you can define a name of the attachment containing the GVBuffer contents. The attribute's value can't be null.