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This element allows you to specify a selector for receiving messages. See the JMS documentation for the selector syntax.

The properties (and their types) provided by GreenVulcano® ESB for selectors are:

  • SYSTEM (String)
  • SERVICE (String)
  • ID (String)
  • RETCODE (int)

Even GVBuffer properties are present in the form of message properties.

The properties are all string and their names have the prefix $p (only GVBuffer properties with names that are valid Java identifier are managed). For example, a GVBuffer property named PROPERTY will be identified by a property name p$PROPERTY.

As GreenVulcano® ESB can in turn generate selectors, you can define how they should be combined with the selector specified by this element, see combining attribute.

The message-selector Element is used by jms-dequeue and has the following attribute:

  • combining: GreenVulcano® ESB can dynamically generate selectors. This parameter defines how the dynamic selector should be combined with the selector configured to obtain the actual selector used for reception of JMS message. Can take the following values:
    • dynamic-and-configured (DYNAMIC) AND (CONFIGURED)
    • dynamic-or-configured (DYNAMIC) OR (CONFIGURED)
    • dynamic-only DYNAMIC
    • configured-only CONFIGURED
    • configured-if-no-dynamic DYNAMIC != null ? DYNAMIC : CONFIGURED. The attribute's default value is: dynamic-and-configured.