Patch 3 3 4 1 Final

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GreenVulcano® ESB patch Final

  • Commons/JMSListener
  1. Added capability to define a delayed initialization on JMXEntryPoint initializers, in order to avoid JMSListener/TimerTask dead-lock on startup recovery after a server crash
  2. Added missing json library
  • Adapter/VCL Axis2
  1. Improved Axis2 HTTP connection pool management in ws-call
  1. Added a RESTfull Mapper to HTTP Adapter Inbound, in order to improve publishing of RESTfull services
  2. Added input http headers management in REST servlet mapping
  3. Added new GVCore Http servlet mapping's input property: HTTP_PATH containing request's path info
  4. Improved request body handling for POST and PUT HTTP methods in HTTP Inbound Adapter
  5. Improved HTTP Inbound dtd documentation
  • VCL Mail
  1. Enabled Metadata handling in smtp-call @sender-display-name attribute