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The DBOMultiFlatSelect element represents the DBO optimized for select operations and conversion in CSV rows.

GreenVulcano® ESB configuration

DBOMultiFlatSelect allows you to run more select statements on the database. The result will be a CSV document with the concatenation of these selects.

Must be defined for each select statement and field the FieldFormatter, that allows you to force the formatting of the values ​​extracted from the database.

It is used by DBOBuilder.

The following table shows the DBOMultiFlatSelect attributes:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value dbo
class fixed This attribute must assume the value it.greenvulcano.gvesb.datahandling.dbo.DBOMultiFlatSelect
name required DOMultiFlatSelect name
force-mode required (caller or db2xml): Force mode of the DBO, can be used in DBOBuilder whit more heterogeneous DBO.
caller - inherit the mode of the caller
db2xml - data extraction mode
jdbc-connection-name required DataSource JNDI name.
Override connection defined in DBOBuilder.
ignore-input optional (true or false): Tells the engine do not use the input data.
output-data optional The default is the value of @name-Output.

DBOMultiFlatSelect might contain the following sub-elements: