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GreenVulcano® ESB Configuration

GVSavePointNode is an operative node indicating that GreenVulcano® ESB must save the flow state in DB.

The following table shows the GVSavePointNode element's attributes:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value flow-node.
class fixed This attribute must assume the value it.greenvulcano.gvesb.core.flow.GVSavePointNode.
op-type fixed This attribute must assume the value save.
id required ID of the node. Unique within the 'Flow'.
input required Object from the environment to be used as input.
next-node-id required Indicates the next node in the workflow to execute when the operation ends.
point-x optional X position of the node in the VulCon workflows editor.

Immutable, used by VulCon®.

point-y optional Y position of the node in the VulCon workflows editor.

Immutable, used by VulCon®.

dump-in-out optional If true enable the dump of the input/output GVBuffer.

Default false.

dump-env-in-out optional If true enable the dump of the input/output Execution Environment.

Default false.

Might contain the following sub-elements:


Defines additional properties of the SavePoint.

Its sub-elements are:


Defines a property to set in GVBuffer.

The PropertyDef Element is used by: ChangeGVBuffer, SpProperties and JbProperties.

The following table shows the PropertyDef element's attributes:

Attribute Type Description
name required Property name.
value required Property value. Can contains metadata
overwrite-body optional If "yes" the GVBuffer body is overwitten with the GVBuffer's property value or with the current property value, or is set to null.

The body overwrite is execute prior of 'compress', 'crypto' or 'base64' operations. WARNING!!!!!!! The 'clear-data' operation is still performed invalidating the body overwriting. The attribute's admitted values are:

  • yes
  • no

Might contain the sub-element Description.