GV Console

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Revision as of 00:33, 3 February 2012 by C.ortenzi (talk | contribs) (Next steps)
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The GV Console is a Web Application which provide a centralized point to manage, monitor and administer all the GreenVulcano® ESB instances.

The application make easier the deployment of Services on the GreenVulcano® ESB servers, the functional testing, the log listing and system performance visualization.


Access GVConsole

GreenVulcano® ESB Console can be accessed at the URL:

http://ipAddress:port/gvconsole (Ex. http://localhost:8080/gvconsole)

where ipAddress is the server address where the application has been deployed and gvconsole is the name given to the web application. In order to display the web console, users must login by submitting a valid administrator account credentials.

GV Console Menu

With the GV Console you can:


Next steps

In order to learn more about GV Console see Examples using the GV Console section. Otherwise, if you already know how this application works, you may want to deploy new services and test your VulCon first flow.