Parallel Flow

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The Iterations nodes are:

GreenVulcano® ESB Paraleel Nodes
  • Spawn SubFlow: Node that allows direct invocation of a GreenVulcanoESB core workflow sub-flow as spawned process.
  • Parallel SubFlow: Node that allows direct invocation of a GreenVulcanoESB core workflow sub-flows as parallel process.
  • Split SubFlow : Node that allows direct invocation of a GreenVulcanoESB core workflow sub-flows as parallel process.

VulCon Configuration

You might insert into your workflow one of the Nodes described above by drag and drop it into the VulCon Editor View.

When one of these nodes is inserted into the editor, a new element GVIteratorOperationNode will appear into the element Flow (or SubFlow) of your Service Operation. This element will contain a sub-element which variates depending on the Iteration Node you selected. The following table shows this:

GVSubFlowSpawnNode GVSubFlowSpawnNode Sub-element Description
GVSubFlowParallelNode GVSubFlowParallelNode Sets a proxy to other Enqueue operation.

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