The views

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To the left of VulCon Prospective there are three views of VulCon:

view VulCon
  • Core: Represents the core configuration file of GreenVulcano® ESB.
  • Adapters: Represents the configuration file of the adapters of view GreenVulcano® ESB adapters can vary depending on the installation or license VulCon you are using. The view of the adapter may change depending on the installation of VulCon that you do not, or who has the license to use. The Adapters are configurations that allow external systems to retrieve external GreenVulcano® ESB through protocols such as TCP, web-services, etc. ..
  • Variables: Represents the file where you define the variables identified in previous views.

Sight Core expanding the voice GVServices - GVServices, you may notice that the configuration of services is divided into two major components:

  • Groups: The element groups in turn contains n sub-elements of type group. Each group contains the configuration of the service group. A group of services allows you to manage the state of activation of multiple services simultaneously.
  • Services: Contains the configuration of services. Are specified for each service enabled clients, server systems, operating procedures, notes and more. Expand the Services under GVServices - GVServices, the user sees the name of the service, the type of operation and all the nodes used to create the flow.

Each service consists of defining a workflow operation of GreenVulcano® ESB. The operations that you can configure are:

  • RequestReply: is one of the basic methods system use to talk to each other. When using request-response, the first system requests some data and the second computer responds to the request. Usually there is a series of such interchanges until the complete message is sent
  • Request
  • GetReply
  • GetRequest
  • SendReply
  • Forward

They correspond, apart from the "Forward", the communication primitives of GreenVulcano® ESB. The flows "forward" mechanisms are triggered by internal GreenVulcano® ESB to complete tasks that do not require assistance from external systems.