WSDL Section

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WSDL Section

This section of GvConsole allows the following operation:

  1. create a WSDL files, of a specific services
  2. delete a WSDL files
  3. deploy a WSDL files.

In order to create a WSDL files you must execute the following operations:

  • select a specific Web Service or more then one from the available list
  • press the button with the label Create WSDL

In order to delete or deploy a WSDL files you must follow the operations below:

  • select a specific Web Service or more then one from the available list, the list shows the file name, the date and the state
  • press the button with label delete to remove all WSDL files selected, or press the button with label deploy to redeploy all WSDL files selected.

Particularly, the first section views the Web Services already configured, but it is also possible to create/recreate the WSDL for the same Web Service, from the right side of the slush-bucket.

In the section in button, there are visualized the WSDL created, those related to a GreenVulcano® ESB Web Service -presents in the folder {{}}/xmlconfig/wsdl- with a green tick, and with a flashing triangular icon otherwise. It is always possible in this section to cancel physically the WSDL ("Delete WSDL" button) or deploying into GreenVulcano® ESB ("Deploy button").

In case of Web Service deploy, a file .aar will be automatically generated and placed in the folder {{}}webservices/services. The file services.list will be updated with the new .aar name. To check the correct deployment go into Axis2 console accessible from the link http://ipaddress:portnumber/gvaxis2.