Web Services

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Web Service is a method of communication between different machines. Using a Web Service it is possible to publish business services using a contract, called WSDL.

GreenVulcano® ESB provides a very simple method that helps developers to manage Web Services operations as:

  • create
  • invoke
  • deploy
  • publishing
  • undeploy

Any service flow can be published in GreenVulcano® ESB as a Web Service. VulCon® helps the user to create or invoke a Web Service, leaving the user the only task to define the data structures in order to interact with the external world.

GreenVulcano® ESB provides a complete management of Web Services through Axis2 platform. It supports:

  • Stateful and asynchronous Web Services
  • Processing SOAP Messages with XML parsing, using the more efficient AXIOM pull-parser instead of DOM (Document Object Model)
  • Increased Scalability
  • Hot deploy and undeploy

Create new Web Services with VulCon

VulCon provides two wizards for creating new Web Services. The first one starts from a GreenVulcano® ESB service and creates the WSDL and the AAR to deploy (bottom-up development method), while the second one starts from a WSDL and creates GreenVulcano® ESB services for each chosen operation (top-down development method). If you need to invoke a Web Service operation, instead, you can choose Wizard Call Web Service or, if you want to simply redirect a Web Service call to a different endpoint, you can choose Wizard Proxy Web Service. The wizard can be activated opening the context menu on the Core view tree's Service element.

You can publish any GreenVulcano® ESB core service using a generic Web Service interface. By means of this feature, you can invoke directly the following core service operations, depending on the how the GreenVulcano® ESB core service has been designed:

  • requestReply
  • request
  • getReply
  • getRequest
  • sendReply
  • execute
You can get the generic WSDL at location:

In order to invoke the service, you have to set all required parameters. This can be done also using the Wizard Enable GreenVulcano Web Service.

GV Console Web service section

The Web Service section in GV Console contains five main pages:

  1. General parameter: shows the general configuration of business web services and the UDDI Registry's configuration,
  2. WSDL Section: allows to generate or delete WSDL files, and to deploy the Web Service
  3. UDDI Section: allows to publish Web Service in UDDI registry, if the UDDI registry has been configured.
  4. BPEL Deployed Processes
  5. BPEL Currently Available Instances

If you are familiar with Axis2 console it's possible to look up the following link:


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