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Node that can perform a sequence of invocations to the operations of the VCL or other workflows.

The iterations are made on the elements of a collection built by a CollectionDataProvider configured through the attribute 'collection-DP'. Collection elements are inserted in the GVBuffer object to pass to the plug-in with which loop through invocations.

You can configure a condition of premature exit from the loop.

By default, even if a particular iteration throws an exception all the iterations will be executed anyway.

The following table shows the GVIteratorOperationNode element's attributes:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value flow-node.
class fixed This attribute must assume the value it.greenvulcano.gvesb.core.flow.GVIteratorOperationNode.
id required ID of the node. Unique within the 'Flow'.
op-type required Indicates the type of operation that GreenVulcano® ESB must execute:
  • call: GreenVulcano® ESB must perform an invocation.
  • enqueue: GreenVulcano® ESB must perform a send a message.
  • corecall: GreenVulcano® ESB must execute an internal service call.
input required Specifies the input (from the execution environment) for the operation.

If the input is an exception, the operation is not performed, and the output is set equal input exception.

output optional The operation's output (GVBuffer or Exception) is inserted into the execution environment with this exact name. Default to "input" value.
collection-dp optional Name of Data Provider to use. Must return a collection of objects.

The attribute's value can't be null.

accumulate-output optional If true, output of each iteration is concatenated with the previous iteration's output.

Default is true.

next-node-id required Indicates the next node in the workflow to execute when the operation ends.
point-x optional X position of the node in the VulCon® workflows editor.

Immutable, used by VulCon.

point-y optional Y position of the node in the VulCon® workflows editor.

Immutable, used by VulCon.

dump-in-out optional If true enable the dump of the input/output GVBuffer.

Default false.

dump-env-in-out optional If true enable the dump of the input/output Execution Environment.

Default false.

Might have the following subelements:


Defines a condition that occur during an iteration, causing the interruption of the loop calls.

Might contain the following subelements:


Defines the type of exception that, if launched at an iteration, causes the interruption of the loop calls.

The following table shows the exception-event element's attributes:

Attribute Type Description
value optional The type of exception.

If the execution of a call sequence throws an exception of this type (or its subtype), the loop stops. The attribute's default value is: java.lang.Exception.

rethrow optional Through this attribute you can specify whether the exception that it stopped the loop iterations must be

propagated (causing the total failure of the call to GVIteratorOperationNode plug-in) or be retained. The default value is 'true'.