Data provider

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ODP (Object Data Provider) is a framework that lets you manage bidirectional conversion between instances of GVBuffer and generic objects, the access to the generic objects fields will be execute through OGNL, XPath and Regex.

Each Data provider contains a field element identify by a key, these fields are of three types and indicate when an extension has to be applied:

  • INOUT, The expression is evaluated on the object set (usually the current GVBuffer, unless otherwise specified by the attribute 'source-selector') the value returned by the expression, is added to the context with the prefix 'key_' + @ key, and set the data provider to be returned in the output.
  • IN, The expression is evaluated on the object set (usually the current GVBuffer, unless otherwise specified by the attribute 'source-selector') the value returned by the expression is added to the context with the prefix 'key_' + @ key.
  • OUT, The expression is evaluated directly on the object that is returned by the DataProvider.

In all cases, two variables are added to the context:

  1. Input: object set, usually the current GVBuffer, which will not be overwritten from attribute 'source-selector';
  2. Output: the object that is returned by the DataProvider.

Expression are pre / post processing of data that can be made automatically from the connector before invoking GreenVulcano® ESB and / or before returning the result to the caller.

Following a list of Data provider available:

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