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A Channel brings together a set of interfaces to a System. Generally, the interfaces contained in a channel are related to each other: for example, operations such as enqueue / dequeue that work on the same queue will be contained in the same channel.

In general for any system there will be a single channel that collects all the operations necessary for communication to the system. But there may be situations where it is preferable to use multiple channels.

Typical examples where you can use multiple channels are:

- Technology: Some servers may have different technological interfaces (eg HTTP, RMI), then you can allocate more channels to group operations according to the technology used.

- Abstraction: It is possible that a system is actually composed by multiple heterogeneous systems (such situation can occur, for example, during a migration, or due to modification or replacement of systems).

For each subsystem, you can build a channel.

VulCon / GV Console Configuration

The Channel Element is used by System. It has the attribute:

  • id-channel: ID of the channel. This identifier must be unique within the System and cannot be null.

Its possible subelements are:

File management:


Query DB

JMS queue







How To

From the VulCon® Core view, it is possible to insert a new Channel by right clicking the System element you are working on. Then Insert after and press Channel*. A new Channel element will be created. Fill the id-channel property in the properties view. Now you can insert all the operations needed.