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Used to make a routing mechanism at the level of communication channel, based on some conditions applied to the buffer GVBuffer. During the execution of flows, the operation is seen as a simple call. The implementation of the routed call checks the conditions and invokes a sub-operations accordingly.

To configure a routed-call it is necessary:

  • defines sub-operations: Each sub operation is identified by a unique name within the routed-call.
    The sub-operation can be selected are only those of type "call".
  • defines routing conditions: Check the values in GVBuffer fields. Each routing condition has a unique name within the routed-call.
  • associate routing conditions to operations: Sub items 'VCLRouting' associate routing conditions with operations. The evaluation order is defined by the order of VCLRouting items.
    The sub-operation is performed corresponding to the first condition verified.

The routed-call Element is used by Channel, routed-call.

It has the attributes:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value call.
class fixed This attribute must assume the value it.greenvulcano.gvesb.virtual.RoutedCall.
name required Operation name. Used in the 'Flow' section to associate workflow nodes to VCL operations.

and may have as subelements:

  • Description,
  • GVBufferCondition(s),
  • (j2ee-ejb-call | j2ee-jca-call | jmx-call | smtp-call | pop-call | ws-call | rest-call | http-call | hl7-call | jbpm-call | jbpm-task-call | openspcoop-call | db-call | dh-call | extract-data-call | routed-call | gvcore-call | excel-call | excelreader-call | birt-report-call | test-service-call | generic-call | shell-call | filereader-call | filewriter-call | filemanager-call | fsmonitor-call | remotemanager-call)(s),
  • VCLRouting,
  • ServiceAlias