Esb 3 4 0 6 Final

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GreenVulcano® ESB package Final

  • Task Scheduler
  1. Improved transaction's timeout management in Service caller timer task.
  • JMS Listener
  1. Improved listeners instantiation algorithm in JMS listener pool.
  • DataHandler
  1. Improved handling of NCHAR,NVARCHAR,NCLOB fields in DataHandler.
  2. Corrected NullPointerException in DH DBOInsert/DBOUpdate without an input XML.
  3. Added to DataHandler's DBOInsert/DBOUpdate the capability to handle auto-generated keys at runtime (es. auto-increment primary key field)
  • GVConsole
  1. Corrected GVConsole's services deployment section when used in HTTPS.
  1. Improved dynamic connection naming in DH external retriever helper.
  2. Improved empty array management in XML to JSON conversion.
  3. Improved management of multi-root JSON document in JSON <-> XML simple conversion policy.
  4. Improved namespaces exclusion in JSON <-> XML simple conversion policy and added a BadgerFish conversion policy.
  5. Moved to a GV specific version of org.json json library: now the properties creation order is keep in dump and properties listing, in order of better handle conversion to/from XML documents.
  1. Corrected http-call connection timeout test case.
  2. Added new output property to http-call VCL plug-in: GVHTTP_RESPONSE_MESSAGE containing the response status text.
  • VCL File
  1. Corrected zip file closing on unzip operation.