Example Creating a new VulCon project

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New Project VulCon

VulCon Project

This page will guide the user through the creation of a new VulCon project and the configuration of the GreenVulcano® ESB, developing the first business flow. Firstly user has to create a new project. As shown below,VulCon has its own kind of project, and startup files will be generated in order to properly configure VulCon views. After starting Eclipse, follow the menu item

File --> New --> Project.

A wizard successively will open. The user has to select New VulCon Project item in the VulCon folder. Then Eclipse will proceed through the wizard in project creation. At the end of this procedure VulCon perspective will appear to the user, as shown in figure "VulConProject". If other projects are already present in current workspace, to match VulCon perspective to the newly created one, just go to

Windows --> Preferences--> Vulcon

and choose the new project in the drop-down list, as shown in figure "Preferences VulCon".

Preferences VulCon