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This sub-element formatter is used into the decoding of client request's parameters in order to create the input for a GreenVulcano® ESB service and to convert the service's output into a HTTP response.

GreenVulcano® ESB Configuration

The GVAdapterHttpConfiguration Element is used by: GVAdapters.

The following table shows the ExtendedInboundParamHandlerFormatter attributes:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed Set to FormatterPlugin.
class fixed Set to it.greenvulcano.gvesb.adapter.http.formatters.handlers.ExtendedInboundParamHandlerFormatter.
ID required Formatter identifier
read-request-header optional If 'true' reads the request HTTP headers and provide them with the request parameters. Default value is false.
ReqCharacterEncoding optional CharacterEncoding to be used to handle requests from external system. Default to UTF-8.
RespCharacterEncoding optional CharacterEncoding to handle responses to the external system. Default to UTF-8.
RespContentType optional ContentType to be declared while handling HTTP responses to the external system. Default to text/html.
HandlePostBodyAsParams optional If true force the POST body to be handled as application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type. Default is false.
ResponseOnError-HTTPCode optional If != -1 force the adapter to respond with the given http code on case of error. Default is -1 (disabled).

Contains the sub-elements:


This element contains configuration informations about conversion of the parameters of an inbound http request into a valid GVBuffer object and determination of the communication paradigm to be used by GreenVulcano.

Contains the sub-elements:

The following table shows the RequestParams attributes:

Attribute Type Description
ParamNameValueSeparator optional Parameters name-value separator string within input querystring.
ParamEntrySeparator optional Parameters entry separator string within input querystring.


This element specifies the rules to follow to convert a single parameter of an inbound http request into a partially populated GVBuffer object.

Contains the sub-elements:

The following table shows the RequestParam attributes:

Attribute Type Description
Name required The name of an inbound request parameter.
Required optional If true the request parameter is mandatory. Default is True.
Type optional Not used


This element contains configuration informations about conversion of the content of an inbound http request into a valid GVBuffer object and determination of the communication paradigm to be used by GreenVulcano.

Contains the sub-elements:


This element contains configuration informations about conversion of a response GVBuffer object (received from GreenVulcano) into an inbound http response to be sent to the invoking external http system.

Contains the sub-elements:

The following table shows the ResponseParams attributes:

Attribute Type Description
ParamNameValueSeparator optional Parameters name-value separator string within ouput querystring. Default is '='
ParamEntrySeparator optional Parameters entry separator string within ouput querystring. Default is '&'


This element specifies the rules to follow to generate a single parameter of an inbound http response. It's possible to use values read from the fields of the response GVBuffer object received from GreenVulcano, or configure a default value for each handler mapping.

Contains the sub-elements:

The following table shows the ResponseParam attributes:

Attribute Type Description
Name required The name of an inbound request parameter.
SendParameterName required True if the parameter's name must appear within inbound response, false otherwise.
PutInHeader required If true must appear in the HTTP header.
Type optional Not used

Request Parameter Handlers


This element contains configuration informations about an inbound request XML parameter Handler: a Java object used to extract informations from a single parameter of an inbound http request (in the case that this parameter contains an XML string) and use them to populate one or more fields of a GVBuffer request object to be sent to GreenVulcano.

Contains the sub-elements:

The following table shows the RequestXMLParamHandler attributes:

Attribute Type Description
ItemType fixed Set to Handler.
Class fixed Set to it.greenvulcano.gvesb.adapter.http.formatters.handlers.XMLParameterHandler.
OutputType required The output type of this inbound request parameter handler (GVBuffer object or communication paradigm string).

Possible values are:

  • GVBuffer
  • OpType


This element contains a mapping between a value extracted by an element or attribute (within XML content of an inbound request parameter) matching a given XPath, and a field of a request GVBuffer object. If mapping target is indicated with the "OpType" keyword, the value is a string indicating the requested communication paradigm (RequestReply, Request, SendReply, GetRequest, GetReply)

Contains the sub-elements:

The following table shows the RequestXMLParamMapping attributes:

Attribute Type Description
ItemType fixed Set to Mapping.
XPath required XPath of an element or attribute (within XML content of an inbound request parameter).


This element contains configuration informations about an inbound request Flat parameter Handler: a Java object used to extract informations from a single parameter of an inbound http request (in the case that this parameter contains a Flat string) and use them to populate one or more fields of a GVBuffer request object to be sent to GreenVulcano.

Contains the sub-elements:

The following table shows the RequestFlatParamHandler attributes:

Attribute Type Description
ItemType fixed Set to Handler.
Class fixed Set to it.greenvulcano.gvesb.adapter.http.formatters.handlers.FlatParameterHandler
OutputType required The output type of this inbound request parameter handler (GVBuffer object or communication paradigm string).

Possible values are:

  • GVBuffer
  • OpType
SeparatorChar optional The separator character between fields within the flat string value of this inbound request parameter.


This element contains a mapping between a value extracted from a flat string (the content of an inbound request parameter), and a field of a request GVBuffer object. If mapping target is indicated with the "OpType" keyword, the value is a string indicating the requested communication paradigm (RequestReply, Request, SendReply, GetRequest, GetReply).

Contains the sub-elements:

The following table shows the RequestFlatParamMapping attributes:

Attribute Type Description
ItemType fixed Set to Mapping.
Offset required The offset of a field within the flat string value of this inbound request parameter.
Length optional The length of a field within the flat string value of this inbound request parameter. Not needed if a field separator char has already been specified.
Trim optional The place where unneeded filling white spaces can be present.

Possible values are:

  • left, to trim leading white spaces
  • right, to trim trailing white spaces
  • both, to trim both leading and trailing spaces

If it is specified a value different from these above, no trimming will be performed


This element contains configuration informations about an inbound request Flat parameter Handler: a Java object used to extract informations from a single parameter of an inbound http request (in the case that this parameter contains a plain text string) and use them to populate one or more fields of a GVBuffer request object to be sent to GreenVulcano.

Contains the sub-elements:

The following table shows the RequestStringParamHandler attributes:

Attribute Type Description
ItemType fixed Set to Handler.
Class fixed Set to it.greenvulcano.gvesb.adapter.http.formatters.handlers.StringParameterHandler
OutputType required The output type of this inbound request parameter handler (GVBuffer object or communication paradigm string).

Possible values are:

  • GVBuffer
  • OpType


This element contains a mapping between a value extracted from a plain text string (the value of an inbound request parameter), and a field of a request GVBuffer object. If mapping target is indicated with the "OpType" keyword, the value is a string indicating the requested communication paradigm (RequestReply, Request, SendReply, GetRequest, GetReply).

Contains the sub-elements:

The following table shows the RequestStringParamMapping attributes:

Attribute Type Description
ItemType fixed Set to Mapping.

Default Value Handlers


This element contains the configuration of default values for some of all the fields of a inbound request GVBuffer object.

Contains the sub-elements:


A configured default value for a field of a GVBuffer object. The following table shows the GVBufferFieldDefaultValue attributes:

Attribute Type Description
FieldName required The GVBuffer field name.

The possible values are:

  • GVBuffer.system
  • GVBuffer.service
  • GVBuffer.id
  • GVBuffer.retCode
  • GVBuffer.object
FieldValue required The configured default value of a GVBuffer field.


A configured default value for a property of a GVBuffer object. The following table shows the GVBufferPropertyDefaultValue attributes:

Attribute Type Description
FieldName required The GVBuffer property name.
FieldValue required A configured default value for a property field of a GVBuffer object.


A configured default value for the communication paradigm to be used.

The following table shows the OpTypeDefaultValue attributes:

Attribute Type Description
Value required The configured default value for the communication paradigm.

Possible values are:

  • RequestReply
  • Request
  • SendReply
  • GetRequest
  • GetReply

Response Parameter Handlers


This element contains configuration informations about an inbound response XML parameter Handler: a Java object used to extract informations from one or more fields of an GVBuffer response object (received from GreenVulcano) and use them to generate an Http response parameter value (containing an XML string) to be sent back to external Http system.

Contains the sub-elements:

The following table shows the ResponseXMLParamHandler attributes:

Attribute Type Description
ItemType fixed Set to Handler.
Class fixed Set to it.greenvulcano.gvesb.adapter.http.formatters.handlers.XMLParameterHandler.
OutputType fixed Set to HttpParam


This element contains a mapping between the value of a field of a response GVBuffer object (received from GreenVulcano) and the value (to be set) of an element or attribute (within the XML content of an inbound response parameter) matching a given XPath.

Contains the sub-elements:

The following table shows the ResponseXMLParamMapping attributes:

Attribute Type Description
ItemType fixed Set to Mapping.
XPath required XPath of an element or attribute (within XML content of an inbound response parameter).


This element contains configuration informations about an inbound response Flat parameter Handler: a Java object used to extract informations from one or more fields of an GVBuffer response object (received from GreenVulcano) and use them to generate an Http response parameter value (containing a Flat string) to be sent back to external Http system.

Contains the sub-elements:

The following table shows the ResponseFlatParamHandler attributes:

Attribute Type Description
ItemType fixed Set to Handler.
Class fixed Set to it.greenvulcano.gvesb.adapter.http.formatters.handlers.FlatParameterHandler
OutputType fixed Set to HttpParam
SeparatorChar optional The separator character between fields within the flat string value of this inbound response parameter.


This element contains a mapping between a value extracted from a field of a response GVBuffer object (received from GreenVulcano) and the value (to be set) of a field within a flat string (the content of an inbound response parameter).

Contains the sub-elements:

The following table shows the ResponseFlatParamMapping attributes:

Attribute Type Description
ItemType fixed Set to Mapping.
Offset required The offset of a field within the flat string value of this inbound response parameter.
Length optional The length of a field within the flat string value of this inbound response parameter. Not needed if a field separator char has already been specified.
Trim optional The place where unneeded filling white spaces can be present.

Possible values are:

  • left, to trim leading white spaces
  • right, to trim trailing white spaces
  • both, to trim both leading and trailing spaces

If it is specified a value different from these above, no trimming will be performed


This element contains configuration informations about an inbound request Flat parameter Handler: a Java object used to extract informations from a single parameter of an inbound http request (in the case that this parameter contains a plain text string) and use them to populate one or more fields of a GVBuffer request object to be sent to GreenVulcano.

Contains the sub-elements:

The following table shows the ResponseStringParamHandler attributes:

Attribute Type Description
ItemType fixed Set to Handler.
Class fixed Set to it.greenvulcano.gvesb.adapter.http.formatters.handlers.StringParameterHandler
OutputType fixed Set to HttpParam


This element contains a mapping between a value extracted from a field of a response GVBuffer object (received from GreenVulcano) and the value (to be set) of a field within a plain text string (the content of an inbound response parameter).

Contains the sub-elements:

The following table shows the ResponseStringParamMapping attributes:

Attribute Type Description
ItemType fixed Set to Mapping.

Response Parameter Error Handlers


This element contains configuration informations about an inbound response XML parameter Error Handler: a Java object used to generate an Http response parameter ERROR value (containing an XML string) to be sent back to external Http system.

Contains the sub-elements:

The following table shows the XMLParamErrorHandler attributes:

Attribute Type Description
ItemType fixed Set to ErrorHandler.
Class fixed Set to it.greenvulcano.gvesb.adapter.http.formatters.handlers.XMLParameterHandler.
OutputType fixed Set to HttpParam


This element contains a mapping between the value of a field of an GVTransactionInfo object (or a fixed default error value) and the value (to be set in case of error) of an element or attribute (within the XML content of an inbound response parameter) matching a given XPath.

Contains the sub-elements:

The following table shows the XMLParamErrorMapping attributes:

Attribute Type Description
ItemType fixed Set to Mapping.
XPath required XPath of an element or attribute (within XML content of an inbound response parameter).


This element contains configuration informations about an inbound response Flat parameter Error Handler: a Java object used to generate an Http response parameter ERROR value (containing a Flat string) to be sent back to external Http system.

Contains the sub-elements:

The following table shows the FlatParamErrorHandler attributes:

Attribute Type Description
ItemType fixed Set to ErrorHandler.
Class fixed Set to it.greenvulcano.gvesb.adapter.http.formatters.handlers.FlatParameterHandler
OutputType fixed Set to HttpParam
SeparatorChar optional The separator character between fields within the flat string value of this inbound response parameter.


This element contains a mapping between a value extracted from a field of an GVTransactionInfo object (or a fixed default error value) and the value (to be set) of a field within a flat string (the error content of an inbound response parameter).

Contains the sub-elements:

The following table shows the FlatParamErrorMapping attributes:

Attribute Type Description
ItemType fixed Set to Mapping.
Offset required The offset of a field within the flat string value of this inbound response parameter.
Length optional The length of a field within the flat string value of this inbound response parameter. Not needed if a field separator char has already been specified.


This element contains configuration informations about an inbound response string parameter Error Handler: a Java object used to generate an Http response parameter ERROR value (containing a plain text string) to be sent back to external Http system.

Contains the sub-elements:

The following table shows the StringParamErrorHandler attributes:

Attribute Type Description
ItemType fixed Set to ErrorHandler.
Class fixed Set to it.greenvulcano.gvesb.adapter.http.formatters.handlers.StringParameterHandler
OutputType fixed Set to HttpParam


This element contains a mapping between a value extracted from a field of an GVTransactionInfo object (or a fixed default error value) and the value (to be set) of a field within a plain text string (the content of an inbound response parameter).

Contains the sub-elements:

The following table shows the StringParamErrorMapping attributes:

Attribute Type Description
ItemType fixed Set to Mapping.

Common Elements


This element represents a mapping target from/to a field of a GVBuffer object. The following table shows the GVBufferField attributes:

Attribute Type Description
FieldName required The GVBuffer field name.

The possible values are:

  • GVBuffer.system
  • GVBuffer.service
  • GVBuffer.id
  • GVBuffer.retCode
  • GVBuffer.object


This element represents a mapping target from/to a property of a GVBuffer object. The following table shows the GVBufferProperty attributes:

Attribute Type Description
FieldName required The GVBuffer property name.


This element represents a mapping target from/to a list of properties of a GVBuffer object. The following table shows the GVBufferPropertyList attributes:

Attribute Type Description
URLEncoding required True if outbound request parameters must be URLEncoded, false otherwise.

Possible values are :

  • True
  • False
FieldNameValueSeparator optional Parameters name-value separator string. Default is '='
FieldEntrySeparator optional Parameters entry separator string within list. Default is ';'
ExcludeFields optional The comma separated list of property names to ignore.


This element represents a mapping target to the variable containing the communication paradigm to be used.


This element represents a plain text value to be assigned as source/target of an handler mapping.


This element represents a plain text value to be assigned as source of an inbound response error message.


This element represents a mapping target from a field of an GVTransactionInfo object to the error value of an HTTP parameter. The following table shows the GVTransactionErrorInfo attributes:

Attribute Type Description
Value required The GVTransactionInfo field name.

The possible values are:

  • GVTransInfo.system
  • GVTransInfo.service
  • GVTransInfo.id
  • GVTransInfo.errorCode
  • GVTransInfo.errorMessage