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VulCon / GV Console Configuration

The GVJbpmTaskListenerManager Element is used by: GVAdapters.

The following table shows its attributes:

Attribute Type Description
version fixed This attribute must assume the value 1.0.
type fixed This attribute must assume the value module.
name fixed This attribute must assume the value GVJBPMTASK_LISTENERS.

The subelements allowed by GVJbpmTaskListenerManager are:


Handles a pool of GreenVulcano Core instances, to be shared among the various input adapters (EJB, MDB, WS).

The GreenVulcanoPool Element is used by: BusinessWebServices and GVJbpmTaskListenerManager.

The following table shows the GreenVulcanoPool element's attributes:

Attrubute Type Description
server-property-name required System properties for server instance name, ex.: JBoss: jboss.server.name Weblogic: weblogic.Name
subsystem required Subsystem using the pool.
initial-size required
maximum-size required Maximum pool size. The default is 10 items. A value of -1 equals not limited pool.
maximum-creation required Maximum number of instances to create. The default is 50 instances. A value of -1 is equivalent to unlimited number of creations.
default-timeout required Specifies the default timeout, in milliseconds, to obtain a GreenVulcano® ESB Core instance.
shrink-timeout optional Specifies the default timeout, in milliseconds, to activate the mechanism of shrinking the pooled GreenVulcano® ESB Core instances. The default is 15 minutes. The value -1 disables resizing of the pool.


The GVJbpmListeners Element is used by: GVJbpmTaskListenerManager.

Might contain more GVJbpmListener sub-elements.


The following table shows the attributes of the element GVJbpmListener:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value gvjbpmlistener.
class fixed This attribute must assume the value it.greenvulcano.gvesb.jbpmhumantask.listener.JbpmListnerTask.
name required The attribute's value cannot be null.
port required The attribute's value cannot be null.

The GVJbpmListener sub-elements are:


The UsersJbpm Element is used by: GVJbpmListener and might contain more userJbpm elements.

The following table shows the userJbpm element's attributes:

Attribute Type Description
user required User name

As UsersJbpm, The GroupsJbpm Element is used by: GVJbpmListener and might contain more groupJbpm elements.

The following table shows the groupJbpm element's attributes:

Attribute Type Description
group required Group name

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