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GVThrowException element stops the Flow with an exception.

GreenVulcano® ESB Configuration

The element GVThrowException is used in a GVEndNode and allows to stop the workflow of GreenVulcano® ESB with exception.

Exceptions are allowed only of type it.greenvulcano.gvesb.buffer.GVException and its subclasses.

The GVThrowException@exception-id or ExceptionParam@value attributes can contain placeholders to be replaced with fields of the GVBuffer extracted from the execution environment. The parameters are always written in ${param} format.

The possible placeholders are: for GVBuffer fields:

  • ${system}
  • ${service}
  • ${id}
  • ${retCode}

for GVBuffer properties:

  • ${property[<name>]}

All placeholders are written in accordance with the above format. If an error occurs the placeholders will not be replaced.

The GVThrowException Element is used by: GVEndNode.

The following table shows the GVThrowException element's attributes:

Attribute Type Description
exception-id required ID of the exception.
class optional Exception class.

Exceptions are allowed only of type it.greenvulcano.gvesb.buffer.GVException and its subclass.
The attribute's default value is: it.greenvulcano.gvesb.core.exc.GVCoreException.

Might contain the sub-elements:


This element specifies parameters to pass to the exception message.

The following table shows the ExceptionParam element's attributes:

Attribute Type Description
name required Parameter name.
value required Parameter value.

Might contain the sub-element Description.