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Root element for XPath engine configuration.

GreenVulcano® ESB configuration

GVXPath Configuration

The GVXPath Element is used by: GVCore.

The following table shows its attributes:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value module.
name fixed This attribute must assume the value XPATH.

Contains the sub-element:


This element sets the XPath properties.

The following table shows the XPath element's attributes:

Attribute Type Description
xpath-factory required Defines the XPath library to be used:
  • it.greenvulcano.util.xpath.search.jaxen.JaxenXPathAPIFactoryImpl (default)
  • it.greenvulcano.util.xpath.search.xalan.XalanXPathAPIFactoryImpl

Contains the following attributes:


Defines a XPath extension function. The defined function are bind on gvesb prefix.

The following table shows the XPathExtension element's attributes:

Attribute Type Description
function-name required Extension function name.

The attribute's value can't be null.

class required Extension function implementation.

The class must have a default constructor and must implement the it.greenvulcano.util.xpath.search.XPathFunction interface.

namespace optional Function namespace.

If not defined the value is set to "urn:gvesb/functions" automatically installed with the prefix "gvf".

Might contain the sub-element Description.


Defines a namespace that can be used in XPath. The gvesb prefix is reserved.

The XPathNamespace Element is used by: AxisWebServiceInvoker and XPath.

The following table shows the XPathNamespace element's attributes:

Attribute Type Description
prefix required Namespace prefix.

The attribute's value can't be null.

namespace optional Namespace.

If not set, the prefix is associated to the default namespace. The attribute's value can't be null.

Might contain the sub-element Description.