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This GreenVulcano® ESB plug-in allows you to perform a sequence of file operations in a remote file system accessible via an (S)FTP account.

VulCon / GV Console Configuration

The operations allowed are:

  • Download a file/directory from a remote directory to a local directory
  • Upload a file/directory from a local directory to a remote directory
  • Control of one or more files (whose name corresponds to a date regular expressions) in a remote directory
  • Deleting a file/directory from a remote directory
  • Rename/move a file/directory in a remote directory

The remotemanager-call Element is used by Channel and routed-call. It has the attributes:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value call.
class fixed This attribute must assume the value it.greenvulcano.gvesb.virtual.file.remote.RemoteManagerCall.
name required Operation name. Used in the Flow section to associate workflow nodes to VCL operations.

and the subelements:


The RemoteCommands element contains the sequence of FTP operations to be carried out. These operations will be performed in the order they were configured. An error in one of the operation marked as critical will terminate the execution of the entire sequence.

The RemoteCommands Element is used by remotemanager-call and, internally, it is possible to configure the following operations:

Remote Command Use this for...


The GreenVulcano® ESB operation RemoteSearchCommand checks if one or more files, whose name conforms to a given regular expression, exists within the specified directory.

On completion and in the absence of errors the following properties of output GVBuffer are setted:

  1. GVRM_FIND_FILES_NUM Number of files found (>= 0)
  2. GVRM_FIND_FILES_LIST List of names of found files, separated by ','. Set only if the value of field 'GVRM_FIND_FILES_NUM' is greater than 0.
    Both the pattern of the file and that the directory can be static or contain placeholders that are replaced at runtime.

The following table shows its attributes:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value remote-command.
class fixed This attribute must assume the value it.greenvulcano.gvesb.virtual.file.remote.command.GVSearch.
sourcePath required Absolute path of the directory to search in.
filePattern required File name to search for. Can be a regular expression.
isCritical optional If true an internal error interrupt the command sequence. Default true.


The GreenVulcano® ESB operation RemoteMoveCommand moves/renames a file/directory.

The file name, the source and destination directory names can be static or contain placeholders that are replaced at runtime. After the replacement of the placeholder, the value of the filename may contain a regular expression, in which case, all files of the source directory, whose name is in accordance with the corresponding pattern, will be moved to the destination directory. If the destination directory already contains files with the same name, they will be overwritten.

The following table shows its attributes:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value remote-command.
class fixed This attribute must assume the value it.greenvulcano.gvesb.virtual.file.remote.command.GVMove.
targetPath required Absolute path of the file/directory where is the file to move.
oldName required Name of the file to be moved.
newName required Name of the file moved.
isCritical optional If true an internal error interrupt the command sequence. Default true.


The GreenVulcano® ESB operation RemoteDeleteCommand deletes a file or directory.

Both the file name and the directory can be static or contain placeholders that are replaced at runtime. After the replacement of the placeholder, the value of the filename may contain a regular expression, in which case, will erase all files in the specified directory whose name is consistent with the corresponding pattern.

The following table shows its attributes:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value remote-command.
class fixed This attribute must assume the value it.greenvulcano.gvesb.virtual.file.remote.command.GVDelete
targetPath required Absolute path of the file/directory to remove.
filePattern optional File name to remove. Might contain a regular expression. It is used only if targetPath is a directory, and if empty the filter is ignored.
isCritical optional If true an internal error interrupt the command sequence. Default true.


The GreenVulcano® ESB operation RemoteDownloadCommand downloads a file or directory from a remote directory and saved in the local directory you specified (or in GVBuffer).

File names and directories can be static or contain placeholders that are replaced at runtime.

The following table shows its attributes:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value remote-command.
class fixed -
remotePath required Pathname of remote directory containing the file to download. It can be an absolute pathname or relative, in the second case it is relative to home directory of ftp user.
remoteFilePattern required The name of the file to download.
toGVBufferExpression optional GVBuffer OGNL expression used to specify how to handle the current downloaded file. In the expression, the downloaded file will be referenced by the variable #input, and will be a byte [].
targetPath optional -
isCritical optional If true an internal error interrupt the command sequence. Default true.


The GreenVulcano® ESB operation RemoteUploadCommand uploads a file from a local directory (or GVBuffer) to the remote directory specified.

File and/or directory names can be static or contain placeholders that are replaced at runtime.

The following table shows its attributes:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value remote-command.
class fixed This attribute must assume the value it.greenvulcano.gvesb.virtual.file.remote.command.GVUpload.
sourcePath optional Pathname of the local directory where the file is transferred. Must be an absolute pathname.
sourceFilePattern optional The name of the file to transfer.
fromGVBufferExpression optional OGNL Expression applied to the current GVBuffer that specifies how to build the file content. In the expression, the GVBuffer is associated with #object, and must return a byte[].
remotePath required Pathname of remote directory where upload the file. It can be an absolute pathname or relative, in the second case it is relative to home directory of ftp user.
isCritical optional If true an internal error interrupt the command sequence. Default true.