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GreenVulcano® ESB allows, using the operation rules-call, to invoke a Rule Engine service.

VulCon / GV Console Configuration

Element rules-call is the GreenVulcano® ESB operation to invoke a Rule Engine service.

The following table shows the rules-call element's attributes:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value call.
class fixed This attribute must assume the value it.greenvulcano.gvesb.gvrules.virtual.RulesCall.
name required Operation name. Used in the 'Flow' section to associate workflow nodes to VCL operations.
ruleSet required Reference a Rule set.
input-ref-dp required Name of Data Provider to be used to prepare the facts to be inserted in the session. This Data Provider (ex. a MapDataProvider) will receive in input a GVBuffer and must return a map of named objects.
globals-ref-dp optional Name of Data Provider to be used to prepare the objects to be inserted as Globals in the session.

This Data Provider (ex. a MapDataProvider) will receive in input a GVBuffer and must return a map of named objects. If the name of some Globals start with "OUT" then those object are inserted in a map and passed as #input to the output-ref-dp Data Provider.

output-ref-dp optional Name of Data Provider to use for rules output manipulation. This Data Provider will receive as context a GVBuffer and as input the rules ExecutionResults or the Globals objects map (see globals-ref-dp) and must return an enriched GVBuffer object. Ex.a GVBufferChangeDataProvider instance.

If not defined the rules ExecutionResults or the Globals objects map (see globals-ref-dp) are inserted in the output GVBuffer object field.

Its subelements are: