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GVConnectorConfiguration with VulCon


This Adapter represents the GreenVulcano® ESB client API configuration.

VulCon / GV Console Configuration

Configuration is made up of three sections:

  • ConnectorServices: Contains information to identify the communication channel, according to the couple service/system or only to the service.
    Moreover, for each primitive (request, request/reply, etc.), this section declares also the extensions to invoke. For services not covered by the parameters defined in this section is used the default channel, without applying any extension.
  • Extensions: Extensions are pre/post processing data that can be made by the connector immediately before invoking GreenVulcano® ESB and/or immediately before returning the result to the caller.
  • Channels: This section defines the connection parameters to GreenVulcano® ESB. Typically there is a single channel of communication to all GreenVulcano® ESB services required by the client. However, for special needs, you can define several channels for different services.

The following table shows the GVConnectorConfiguration's attributes:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value module
name fixed This attribute must assume the value GV_CONNECTOR_J

The GVConnectorConfiguration adapter allows the following subelements:


Configuration details for services and calls.

The ConnectorServices Element is used by GVConnectorConfiguration.

It has the subelements:


Service configuration details.

The ConnectorService Element is used by: ConnectorServices.

The following table shows the element's attributes ConnectorService:

Attribute Type Description
id-service required Service identifier. The attribute's value can't be null.
id-channel optional Channel for this service. If not defined a default channel is used.
id-system optional System identifier. If defined, you apply the parameters to the couple system/service, otherwise the parameters apply to service, independently from the value of the field System.

It has the subelements:


Specific operation detail.

The OperationDetails Element is used by ConnectorService.

The following table shows the element's attributes OperationDetails:

Attribute Type Description
id-operation required Operation id. The attribute's admitted values are:
  • Request
  • RequestReply
  • GetReply
  • GetRequest
  • SendReply
  • ReceiveMessage
  • SendMessage
id-extension optional Extension applied to the invocation of the operation.


Call configuration details.

The following table shows the Call element's attributes:

Attribute Type Description
id-service required Service identifier.

The attribute's value can't be null.

id-system optional System identifier. If defined, you apply the parameters to the couple system / service, otherwise the parameters apply to service, independently from the value of the field System.
target-service optional If defined it is the real service to be invoked on GreenVulcano® ESB.

In this way you can configure multiple "Call" with different names and behaviors (use or not of the transaction and primitive to be invoked) to the same GreenVulcano® ESB service. As Output you will still have the id-service given in input.

id-operation required Id of the primitive to invoke

The attribute's admitted values are:

  • Request
  • RequestReply
  • GetReply
  • GetRequest
  • SendReply
  • ReceiveMessage
  • SendMessage
  • Request-GetReply
  • SendMessage-ReceiveMessage

The attribute's value can't be null.

use-transaction required Specifies whether the Call is to be made in transaction.

The attribute's admitted values are:

  • TRUE

The attribute's value can't be null.

id-transaction optional Transaction id.

If the attribute 'use-transaction' is 'TRUE' and it is not evaluated the transaction-id, it will use the default transaction. The attribute's value can't be null.

Might contain the sub-element Description.


Definition of Extensions.

Extensions are pre/post processing of data that can be made automatically from the connector before invoking GreenVulcano® ESB and/or before returning the result to the caller.

The Extensions Element is used by GVConnectorConfiguration.

It has the subelements:


Allows you to combine with several extensions.

Moreover for any extension you can define when it has to be applied (IN, OUT or INOUT). The output extensions are applied inversely to the declaration order.

The ComplexExtension Element is used by Extensions.

The following table shows the element's attributes ComplexExtension:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcano® ESB factory framework.
This attribute must assume the value extension.
class fixed This attribute must assume the value it.greenvulcano.gvesb.connector.extensions.ComplexExtension.
id-ext required The attribute's value can't be null.

It has the subelements:


Extension to apply.

The Extension Element is used by: ComplexExtension.

The following table shows the element's attributes Extension:

Attribute Type Description
id-ext required Extension to apply.
apply required Indicates when an extension has to be applied.
  • IN: The extension is applied before invoking GreenVulcano® ESB
  • OUT: The extension is applied before returning the result to the caller
  • INOUT: The extension is applied before invoking GreenVulcano® ESB and before returning the result to the caller.

The output extensions are applied inversely to the declaration order.


Test extension used only to debug the connector

The TestExtension Element is used by Extensions.

The following table shows the element's attributes TestExtension:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed Unmodifiable. Used by GreenVulcano® ESB factory framework.
This attribute must assume the value extension.
class fixed This attribute must assume the value tests.unit.gvconnector.ExtensionTestClass.
id-ext required The attribute's value can't be null.
when optional The attribute's default value is: inout. The attribute's admitted values are:
  • in
  • out
  • inout
prefix optional
suffix optional


Extension for the "GVBuffer object" data compression

The CompressExtension Element is used by: Extensions.

The following table shows the element's attributes CompressExtension:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value extension.
class fixed This attribute must assume the value it.greenvulcano.gvesb.connector.extensions.CompressExtension.
id-ext required Unique identifier of the extension.
when optional Defines when you must apply the extension. Only input, only output or both input and output. The attribute's admitted values are:
  • in
  • out
  • inout (Default value)
compress-level required Defines the compression level to be applied: best-compression, best-speed (fastest compression), default-compression (default), no-compression.


Extension decompressing data in GVBuffer object.

The DecompressExtension Element is used by: Extensions.

The following table shows the element's attributes DecompressExtension:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value extension.
class fixed This attribute must assume the value it.greenvulcano.gvesb.connector.extensions.DecompressExtension.
id-ext required Unique identifier of the extension.
when optional Defines when you must apply the extension. Only input, only output or both input and output. The attribute's admitted values are:
  • in
  • out
  • inout (Default value)


Extension that carries out the decryption of data in GVBuffer object.

The DecryptExtension Element is used by: Extensions.

The following table shows the element's attributes DecryptExtension:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value extension.
class fixed This attribute must assume the value it.greenvulcano.gvesb.connector.extensions.DecryptExtension.
id-ext required Unique identifier of the extension.
when optional Defines when you must apply the extension. Only input, only output or both input and output. The attribute's admitted values are:
  • in
  • out
  • inout (Default value)
key-id optional Sets the key to use for decryption.


Extension that makes the encryption of data in GVBuffer object.

The EncryptExtension Element is used by: Extensions.

The following table shows the element's attributes EncryptExtension:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value extension.
class fixed This attribute must assume the value it.greenvulcano.gvesb.connector.extensions.EncryptExtension.
id-ext required Unique identifier of the extension.
when optional Defines when you must apply the extension. Only input, only output or both input and output. The attribute's admitted values are:
  • in
  • out
  • inout (Default value)
key-id optional Sets the key to use for decryption.


Extension that performs the data transformation through the DTE.

The DTEExtension Element is used by: Extensions.

The following table shows the element's attributes DTEExtension:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value extension.
class fixed This attribute must assume the value it.greenvulcano.gvesb.connector.extensions.DTEExtension.
id-ext required Unique identifier of the extension.
when optional Defines when you must apply the extension. Only input, only output or both input and output. The attribute's admitted values are:
  • in
  • out
  • inout (Default value)
trasformationName optional Name of the transformation to be invoked. If this parameter is not valued, the following algorithm is used to create the name of the transformation: SISTEM:SERVICE::Input or :Output

Can contain the following subelements:


The elements Property-Field represent the parameters to be added to DTEExtension.

The following table shows the element's attributes Property-Field:

Attribute Type Description
name required The attribute's value can't be null.
value required


Communication channels.

Typically you define a single channel for all services and set this channel as the default. However, you can define more than one channel for special needs.

The Channels Element is used by: GVConnectorConfiguration.

The following table shows the element's attributes Channels:

Attribute Type Description
default-channel-id optional If not defined, sets to "default"

Its subelements are:


Communication Channel based on GreenVulcano® ESB Virtual Communication Layer.

The VCLChannel Element is used by: Channels.

The following table shows the VCLChannel element's attributes:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value channel.
class fixed it.greenvulcano.gvesb.connector.channels.gvvcl.VCLChannel.
id-channel required Unique identifier of the channel.
connection-policy required Defines the connection policy of the channel:
  • Lazy: The channel is created and connected the first time that it needs.
  • Startup: The channel is created and connected at startup of the connector.
  • Everytime: The channel is connected every time you use it, and disconnected immediately after use.

It has the following subelements:


Defines the Virtual Communication Layer plug-in used for a specific communication primitive.

The VCLOperation Element is used by: VCLChannel.

The following table shows the element's attributes VCLOperation:

Attribute Type Description
id-operation required Communication primitive. The attribute's admitted values are:
  • Request
  • RequestReply
  • GetReply
  • GetRequest
  • SendReply
  • ReceiveMessage
  • SendMessage

Might contain the following sub-elements:


Communication Channel based on the GreenVulcano® ESB Core.

The GreenVulcanoCoreChannel Element is used by: Channels.

The following table shows the element's attributes GreenVulcanoCoreChannel:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value channel.
class fixed it.greenvulcano.gvesb.connector.channels.gvcore.GreenVulcanoCoreChannel.
id-channel required Unique identifier of the channel.
connection-policy required Defines the connection policy of the channel:
  • Lazy: The channel is created and connected the first time that it needs.
  • Startup: The channel is created and connected at startup of the connector.
  • Everytime: The channel is connected every time you use it, and disconnected immediately after use.


The connector is able to explicitly manage transactions. It will use the User Transactions defined in this section.

The Transactions Element is used by: GVConnectorConfiguration.

The following table shows the element's attributes Transactions:

Attribute Type Description
default-transaction-id optional If not defined, sets the value to "default"

Its subelements are:


Performs transaction management using the UserTransaction according to the JTA specification.

The UserTransaction Element is used by: Transactions.

The following table shows the element's attributes UserTransaction:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value transaction.
class fixed This attribute must assume the value it.greenvulcano.gvesb.connector.transaction.GVCUserTransaction.
id-transaction required Unique id of the UserTransaction.

Its subelements are:


This element performs transaction management using a user defined Transaction implementation.

The GenericTransaction Element is used by: Transactions.

The following table shows the element's attributes GenericTransaction:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value transaction.
class required The Java class that implements the UserTransaction.
id-transaction required Unique id of the GenericTransaction.

Its subelements are:


This element allows parameter initialization.

The NameValueParam Element is used by: GenericTransaction.

The following table shows the element's attributes NameValueParam:

Attribute Type Description
name required Parameter name.

The attribute's value cannot be null.

value required Parameter value.

The attribute's value cannot be null.


This section contains information relating to components outside of the Connector.

The ExternalComponents Element is used by: GVConnectorConfiguration.

Contains the following subelements:


The External-Component Element is used by: ExternalComponents.

The following table shows the element's attributes External-Component:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value externalcomponent.
id-extcomponent required Unique identifier of the external component.

Contains the subelements:


This element defines additional parameters.

The External-Params Element is used by: External-Component.

The following table shows the element's attributes External-Params:

Attribute Type Description
name required The attribute's value can't be null.
value required