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The GreenVulcano® ESB http-call plug-in allows the data exchange through the HTTP protocol. This subsystem represents the implementation of the VCL deputy to perform GET and POST to HTTP / HTTPS servers.

VulCon / GV Console Configuration

Use the HTTP VCL plugin if you want to call HTTP methods on remote servers.

The http-call Element is used by: Channel and routed-call. Its attributes are:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value call.
class fixed This attribute must assume the value it.greenvulcano.gvesb.virtual.http.HTTPCallOperation.
name required Operation name. Used in the Flow section to associate workflow nodes to VCL operations.

Might contain the following sub-elements:


Endpoint configuration to connect to the server.

The endpoint Element is used by: http-call. Its attributes are:

Attribute Type Description
host required Host to connect to.
port optional Port where the service is exposed. Default port is '80'.
secure optional Defines if the endpoint connection is secure or not. If secure is 'true', the default connection protocol will be 'http'; otherwise, the default connection protocol will be 'https'. The default value is 'false'.
custom-protocol optional Can be one of those defined locally for this 'http-call', or globally in GreenVulcano® ESB on GVSupport configuration.
Attribute Type Description
conn-timeout optional Defines the connection timeout, in ms. Default to 10000ms.
so-timeout optional Defines the timeout to wait for a server response, in ms. Default to 30000ms.
context-path optional Optional context path to prepend to remote URI call.

It has the subelements:


This element represents the custom protocol handler configuration. Refer to HttpClient documentation for further info:

Its attributes are:

Attribute Type Description
name required Name identifier for this protocol.
protocol-scheme required The URI protocol scheme (http, https, etc.).
protocol-socket-factory required The custom socket factory class, implementation of class org.apache.commons.httpclient.protocol.ProtocolSocketFactory.
If this class do not have a default constructor, you can specify constructor arguments using constructor-args element.
protocol-default-port required The default port number for this custom protocol.
protocol-virtual-scheme optional You can specify this parameter to use your own custom protocol designator as well as the default protocol implementation, specified by protocol-scheme attribute.

Its subelements are:


Contains more constructor-param items where you can specify the constructor arguments, if your protocol socket factory class does not have a default constructor.


The constructor-param Element is a constructor parameter. It has the attributes:

Attribute Type Description
type required Parameter type. Only simple java types are supported. The attribute's admitted values are:
  • byte
  • boolean
  • char
  • double
  • float
  • int
  • long
  • short
  • String
value optional Parameter value. Do not specify the value of this parameter if null should be passed. #Encrypted.
The attribute's admitted values are:
  • true
  • false


Method to invoke on the server.

Its attributes are:

Attribute Type Description
name required Method name. The attribute's admitted values are:
  • GET
  • HEAD
  • POST
  • PUT
request-uri required Request URI. Can contain placeholders.
ref-dp optional Name of Data provider to use to prepare the request.
Attribute Type Description
uri-escaped optional If true the request-uri is already escaped, if false (WARNING!!!) the uri is escaped by the plug-in.

Default to true.