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The GreenVulcano® ESB plugin rest-call defines the parameters for calling a Web Service using REST mode.

VulCon / GV Console Configuration

The rest-call Element is used by Channel and routed-call. Its attributes are:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value call.
class fixed This attribute must assume the value
name required Operation name. Used in the Flow section to associate workflow nodes to VCL operations.

and its subelements:


This element is used by rest-call.

Its attributes are:

Attribute Type Description
type fixed This attribute must assume the value invoker.
class fixed This attribute must assume the value
endpoint required Endpoint exposed by the Rest Web Service to invoke. Can contain placeholders. It must be already escaped, if needed.
method required HTTP method to execute to the server.

The attribute's admitted values are:

  • GET
  • POST
  • PUT
  • HEAD
timeout optional Timeout in seconds.
ref-dp optional Name of Data Provider to use for preparing the request.
throwsFault optional If true throws Exception "Error invoking operation". If false returns the Fault response. Default to false.

The attribute's admitted values are:

  • true
  • false
returnType optional Defines how to set the response data in the object field of output GVBuffer:
  • context : the MessageContext
  • envelope : the envelope as XML serialized as string
  • body : the body as XML serialized as string
  • body-element : the first child of body as XML serialized as string
  • header : the header as XML serialized as string
  • envelope-om : the envelope as OMMessage
  • body-om : the body as OMMessage
  • body-element-om : the first child of body as OMMessage
  • header-om : the header as OMMessage

Default: context

mediaType optional This is used to specify the message format which the message needs to be serialized. See 'messageFormatters' configuration in axis2.xml file. Default value is: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
contentType optional This is used to specify the message builder which the message needs to be serialized. See 'messageBuilders' configuration in axis2.xml file. Defaults to the value specified in 'mediaType' attribute.
responseMode optional This is used to specify if invoked service returns a response (OUT_IN) or not (OUT_ONLY). Default value is: OUT_IN

and has the sub-elements: